Lies in the News

December 11, 2016  It's difficult to keep up with Trump's lies.  Here's a WHOPPER!  That he won in a landslide.  Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by 2.8 million votes.  Reagan beat Mondale in 49 states with 525 electoral votes and Goldwater lost by a landslide with 52 electoral votes.  Now there are a couple landslides.  Trump beat Hillary in the Electoral count by 30 some votes.  That's nothing.  And several states' margins for a Trump win were tiny.  Not a landslide.  Maybe he thinks that if he says it enough. some people beyond his rabid base will believe him.

Meanwhile, he declares himself "like, a smart person."  So he doesn't need daily intelligence briefings.  That proves it.  The USA just elected A FOOL.

December 8, 2016  Pope Francis declared that he finds fake news to be a "sin".  He recognizes the range of problems that fake newsn creates - fomenting violence, creating emotional distress and misleading the public.  IMHO, fake news leads those who believe it to wrong decisions - politically, economically, even for their own health, finance and issues of daily living.  Publicly declaring lies is really no different.  When lies are publicly stated by the person who will be the most powerful person in the world in six weeks is irresponsible, immoral and terrifying.

December 8, 2016  The gift that keeps on giving.  How many lies can one issue evoke?  Trump tweeted that the company not saving the balance of the 110 jobs over the 730 that "he saved" was the workers fault, that the "workers should work more and talk less."  The Union leader, countering Trump's lies with TRUTH, said that they attempted to negotiate with Carrier and Carrier said it was simply about profit, that workers would need to work for $5 per hour to keep their jobs in the US, that it would cost $65 million to keep the jobs.  But, when Trump got involved, Carrier needed only $7 million from Pence as governor of Indiana.  
Once Trump is confronted with truth, he is only too willing to throw the workers under the proverbial bus to defend himself.  On top of his ultra-conservative cabinet picks, this attack on workers tells you all you.  This country is in for a couple years of reactionary chaos.

December 7, 2016 Trump declared that he saved over one thousand jobs at Carrier in Indiana.  Actually, it was VP-elect Pence who arranged for a $7 million offset in tax relief that led to carrier agreeing to keep about 700 jobs at the Indiana plant.  The remainder of the 1000+ are still going to Mexico.  And, perhaps scarier, Trump revealed that he had forgotten his campaign pledge to keep these 1000 jobs in Indiana and, when he said it, he had not meant it, it was a "euphemism".
Meanwhile, Rexnord, down the rod in Indiana is stills ending jobs to Mexico, too.
Remember how the Republicans in Congress riled at President Obama for bailing out the auto industry and saving thousands of jobs and an entire industry?  Trump's one off has so many downsides, I'll just start with the ability of any corporations to bride their way into tax breaks.  Republicans remain self-serving at the expense of the national good.

December 6, 2016  Here's a good place to begin my new page.  Trump declared that millions of illegals voted for Hillary Clinton.  Wow.  He scored big with that one - a two-fer of points for Trump - he manages to dismiss Clinton's 2.7 million vote popular win AND, as a bonus, casts further distress about undocumented immigrants.  Now here is a great lie - it manages to serve two purposes at once!   What a bonus!

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