Thursday, June 30, 2016

War Crimes

Trump continues to say - if they do it we should do it.  "They" meaning ISIS can behead, drown and worse - so the United States should "kill the families of terrorists and waterboard and worse".  "They are bad, really bad" whatevers.  Trump doesn't say under what circumstances, who and how this would be carried out.  The U.S. military are educated about what consists of a war crime and are directed not to engage in war crimes.  If Trump directed the military to commit war crimes, the current military standard would direct them to refuse.  Where that leads is to undermine the Commander-in-Chief.

On a practical note, what Trump says is exactly what children say to justify their wishes or activities.  For example, he can watch that tv show, so I should be able to watch it too.  She started it, so I punched her back.  Trump is exactly that childish.

Finally, over a dozen Nazi leaders were hanged for war crimes.  They deserved to be hanged, but, perhaps more important than their individual fates, these punishments set a standard for future world behavior.  How dare Trump suggest that he would put the US Military at risk of such punishment.

I can't wait to see the debates between Clinton and Trump.  Let him try to explain this.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Simple Dishonesty

The European and American wave of discontent and anger has a legitimate and complex basis, but the leaders who reach into these feelings offer phony solutions. 

A perfect example came with Brexit.  Leave advertisements asserted that leaving the European Union would result in 350 Million Pounds - Per Week ! - going into the British National Health Service.  The very day after the election, as the results of the referendum were being announced, the Leave leader admitted that the Leave advertisement was untrue.

The world is in turmoil - the threat of terrorism, the ramifications of globalism, economic uncertainty, among others - and it leads the individual to feeling that his or her life is out of their own control.   People look for reasons and answers for their legitimate anxieties and anger. 

Enter the newly arrived pseudo-leaders, like Donald trump and Boris Johnson, who tap into these feelings.  I can't comment on their personal motivations, but the Brexit ad promise is classic example of their tactics.  Phony Promises.  Just like Trump's wall - something that will never happen and, even if it did, it would not be a solution for the problem it identifies.

So, the answer to globalism is to close the borders and turn inward, here and in Britain. 

Does no one study history?  As Germany fell into depression in the 1930's, Hitler tapped into the country's fears - to restore Germany's greatness.  Without repeating the dreadful history of those decades, my point is that Hitler tapped into the fears and xenophobic instincts of the populace.  Eventually, the world was drawn into a war that resulted in 60 million deaths. 

Post World War II trends have continued to react to that world war by connecting nations so that another such horror would not happen again.  Suddenly, populations in Europe and the United States are looking inward.  Now the "other" includes Moslems, Africans, Latin Americans.  And these pseudo-leaders tap into the fear of the "other".

But the solution isn't to bring back the past.  Get rid of airplanes?  Internet?  All the things that connect everyone everywhere and also gives everyone the hope to aspire to something better just as they face economic instability.  The answer is moving forward, not trying to recreate a past that will never return.

 A good simple example - the coal miners whose jobs are disappearing.  The answer isn't to bring back their tough dangerous outdated job. The answer is to retrain the miners and find new jobs for them in industries like solar energy.  This exemplifies the difference between the liberal and conservative approaches.  Bring back coal mines or develop solar energy.  It's really that simple.

Don't fall for phony solutions.

Friday, June 24, 2016

A Month Ago

Yes, a month ago, Trump didn't know what Brexit was.  Really.  Now, he knows it so well that he can declare that it's good that the Brits "took back" their country.  AND, while overseas in Scotland, he criticized Obama for supporting Britain to stay in the EU.  Trump doesn't know - or doesn't care - that it is inapprorpaite, and against standard practice, for a Presidential candidate to criticize the sitting President while on foreign soil. 

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Why These Accusations?

Actually, Trump didn't accuse - he stated that Hillary Clinton used the US Department of state as her personal hedge fund and took "cash" from the department.  Why?  Because investigative journalists are circling around Trump's financial shenanigans.  Talk of paying his adult children and his businesses from his campaign cash. His charitable contributions that can't be identified.  His multiple bankruptcies.   His refusal to release his tax returns.
So, why his accusations?  Deflection.

A little postscript.  During a one-on-one sit down interview with NBC by Lester Holt, Trump, looking very uncomfortable as he sat on the edge of his chair, Holt persisted in asking Trump how he knew Hillary was asleep as the Bengazi crisis developed.  After persistence, from Holt, Trump admitted that because she was home so she was "probably" asleep.  His public bluster was just his guess.  And, when Holt asked Trump about the SCOTUS decision on immigration that was released that very morning, Trump mumbled and asked Holt to tell him more.  When Holt didn't bail Trump out with a description of the SCOTUS opinion, all Trump could do was say, "I'll get back to you on that."  Imagine Trump saying, "I'll get back to you on that" while in the White House Sit Room.  Sure.

Interesting Logic

Brent Scowcroft, former Republican National security advisor, has just endorsed Hillary Clinton.

Meanwhile, intelligent comments from Ron Reagan, Jr.  He said he could not imagine why Donald trump would think he could function as President.  And the fact that he is running, if he's serious about wanting to be President, is actually an indication of how insane Trump actually is. 

Very true, IMHO.  Trump's ego has no bounds.  The vicious lies that he will tell to enhance his own ego indicates just how horrible he would be as President.  How could anyone trust anything he said or did?

AND, what is going to happen when he gets a top secret security briefing?  This man who lies and disrespects every aspect of our government.  Scary.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

How Trump Makes Money

News Flash!
Donald Trump is billing the Trump for President Campaign for the use of the Trump airline, facilities, food and beverages and his properties including his golf courses.  Well, just another scheme for trump to make money.  And his contributions to his campaign are loans.  So this venture is not costing Trump a cent personally (other than his $45,000 direct contribution) and he is set to make money.

Interesting Hypothesis

Paul Manafort is now in charge of Trump's Presidential campaign.  Manafort is a lobbyist who worked for the former Ukrainian president, an ally of Russian Premier Putin.   The same Putin who has annexed parts of Ukraine into Russia. 

Trump as been talking very positively about Putin in Trump's own speeches.  Now, why would Trump do that?  Certainly not because Russia is an ally in good standing with the USA nor because his view of Putin is consistent with either major political party nor the American government. 

Why would Trump want to cultivate Putin?  Certainly not for the USA.  But maybe for Trump himself.  Wouldn't Trump like to have opportunities to extend his real estate empire into Russia?


Report from Daily Kos - speaks for itself

It’s old news, but there’s so much in his past, it’s easy for things we should remember to get buried. Here’s something that shouldn’t be forgotten, an article from Vanity Fair.
Ivana Trump told her lawyer Michael Kennedy that from time to time her husband reads a book of Hitler’s collected speeches, My New Order, which he keeps in a cabinet by his bed. . .
“Did your cousin John give you the Hitler speeches?” I asked Trump.
Trump hesitated. “Who told you that?”
“I don’t remember,” I said.
“Actually, it was my friend Marty Davis from Paramount who gave me a copy of Mein Kampf, and he’s a Jew.” (“I did give him a book about Hitler,” Marty Davis said. “But it was My New Order, Hitler’s speeches, not Mein Kampf. I thought he would find it interesting. I am his friend, but I’m not Jewish.”)
Later, Trump returned to this subject. “If I had these speeches, and I am not saying that I do, I would never read them.”
From the same article
Donald is a believer in the big-lie theory,” his lawyer had told me. “If you say something again and again, people will believe you.”
I came to post this diary after reading Leonard Pitts Jr's column “If it talks like a Hitler and walks like a Hitler …”  The goals are clearly not the same: Trump is not at all likely to try to exterminate Jews, Gypsies, LGBTQ people, etc. But the methods are the all too similar, and the outcome potentially catastrophic. Pitts quotes several holocaust survivors who see this similarity. He ends with a very acute statement:
You can’t blame people who didn’t realize what Hitler was. They had never seen anything like him before.
You and I, however, have no such excuse.
I can’t aspire to the term “activist.” My political involvement is limited: donations, some phonebanking in the past 3 presidential elections, door to door for Kerry in Florida and New Mexico (The only year I had time to travel as I worked very, very part time in 2004).
But this time,  I am unashamed to be terrified by Trump. I will do everything possible for me to do to defeat him.
I hope to encourage all to do the same.

Friday, June 17, 2016


Speaker Paul Ryan was just quoted as saying that he would sue Donald Trump, if, as President, Trump enacted a unilateral ban on Muslim immigration.  Ryan added that based on a 1952 immigration act, he thinks Trump as President might actually be able to enact such a ban.

Five months away from the general election, the Republican House Speaker is already muttering about the possibility of impeaching the potential Republican President.

What more do I need to write?

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

The President and The New York Times Got It Right

Thank You, President Obama!  The President has it right.  He has fought terrorism for 7 1/2 years, including killing Bin Laden.  and Trump has the audacity to imply that Obama is somehow in league with terrorists.  And Trump has limited the free and independent press. 

And the Republicans in Congress are literally, physically running away from reporters.  Why?  They are weak and unwilling to share their views of Donald Trump.  Pathetic.  And where is Trump's big supporter, Christie?  Christie is no fool - suddenly his big mouth is quiet.

Even Republican Pundits

Even Republican pundits are denouncing Trump's veiled accusations that President Obama has something to do terrorist acts.  And, when asked to clarify his words, trump whimps out and says, let the listener decide.  These Republican pundits have declared that Trump's accusations are a fundamental disqualifier for him to be President.  Then Trump removes press credentials for The Washington Post!  Pundits are calling him a psychopath and it is true, trump's words go way beyond his egotism.

Where are the movers and shakers of the GOP?  Not  a word.

The only salvation, if there is any, is that Trump's recent speeches will not grow his base beyond the current rabble rousers and red necks. and, maybe, if we are lucky, will actually bring some sanity to his supporters and diminish the size of his base.

Monday, June 13, 2016


I had planned not to post, there are really no words, beyond horror and disgust.  And the utmost sympathy, compassion, thoughts and prayers.
Then I heard Trump.  His first response was self congratulations for predicting this would happen.  How's that for self-centered ego? And I still wasn't going to post. 

Then Trump gave a speech today.  Trump's accusations toward President Obama would not be expressed by any sane person, let alone a candidate for the Presidency.  With innuendo, beginning with his view that the President should resign because he won't say "radical Islam".  And then Trump doubled down -  that somehow the President has ulterior motives for handling terrorism the way he does.  And once again Trump promised that his Presidency would prohibit immigration from Muslim countries.  He accused the American Muslim community of harboring terrorists.  And the Orlando carnage could have been reduced if attendees had been armed.  Interestingly, word is that mainstream Republicans advised Trump to give a speech that simply offered his sympathy and support.  But, no.  Trump does not take advice - this maybe his most fatal flaw.

Trump blatantly lies.  The murderer was born in Queens, New York, not Afghanastan as Trump stated.  He claims that Hillary Clinton wants to get rid of the Second Amendment.  Not  true. 

Any reasonable person knows that Trump is unstable and not suited to be the President of the United States.  The Republican Party supported Trump when he questioned Obamas birth certificate and legitimacy as President.  Senate Leader promised that he would do everything possible to thwart the President's agenda.  My point is that they have led their party right into Trump's crazy hands.  So here we are.

Now Trump has revoked the press credentials for The Washington Post.  He has attacked a fundamental principle of the Untied States Constitution.


Thursday, June 9, 2016

Thank You, Joe Biden !!!

In his speech tonight, Vice President Joe Biden finally said that Trump's threats against Judge Curial, should those threats be done by a sitting President, might be an impeachable offense.  It's about time to hear that said openly.  The racism against the Judge is bad enough, but the attack on the separation of powers, the fundamental basis of the US Constitution, is, if possible, worse.
Vice President Biden also pointed out that the Republican dominated Senate is holding open a Supreme Court seat so that Trump, the man who attacks the judiciary, could make that appointment!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Racism Plus

Trump has finally pushed a magic button.  Even Republicans are acknowledging that his comments about Judge Curial are racist. Of course they are racist.  But there's another point that is being missed.  We have the presumptive Presidential candidate of a major political party attempting to manipulate the federal judiciary!  And interfering with the judiciary over a case involving the presumptive candidate himself!  Hmm. If a sitting President did this, wouldn't we be talking about impeachment? 

BTW, don't most wealthy Presidents put their holdings in a blind trust.  What is Trump going to do with his wealth?  If we ever see his tax return or even begin to know what his assets consist of. 

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Thank You, Jeff Bezos !

I heard him quoted today.  He spoke of how half the world cannot speak freely, that doing so can result in their being jailed or worse.  That we have this wonderful Constitution allows us to speak freely.  And ask questions.  That a candidate for the Presidency should WELCOME and encourage questions.  That questioning is what gives value to the US Constitution as the cultural norm.

Meanwhile, I have been rereading "Miracle at Philadelphia", Catherine Drinker Bowen's book about the Constitutional Convention in 1787.  These men gathered in Philadelphia to adapt The Articles of Confederation and morphed into scrapping The Articles and developing the Constitution.  It was summer, it was hot, no air conditioning, of course, they were wearing the formal wool wear of the 18th century.  Some of the men did not have enough money to pay the bill for their rooms.  They developed rules that resulted in  discussion of their varying views in civility.  They discussed the huge ideas that gave us this incredible document. 

Donald Trump does not show respect for our heritage and the Constitution when he mocks and bullies.  He mocks the press and calls reporters names, just as an angry child might.  He bullies his political friends, denigrating them into submission to support him.  He calls his political foes names.  And now, he criticizes the judge hearing the civil suit against Trump University, calling the federal judge a "hater" and alleging that the judge is a Mexican.  

Trump has this habit and bringing something up and then saying no one should bring it up.  Especially obvious was when he alleged that someone brought up the suicide of Vince Foster and how no one should to that.  But Trump was the one who brought it up!  Trump does it all the time.  His tactics do resemble the methods of Adolph Hitler.    These methods lead to facism.

And promises more of the same if, heaven forbid!, he becomes President.

We need to respect and emulate our Founding Fathers.