Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Gavin Grimm & Transgender Issues

The Washington Post today details the transition of a young teenager who identifies as a male despite being born as a female and his choice to use bathrooms designated for males.
Suddenly, the issue goes to the Supreme Court because some people objected and the local school district accommodated the objections by ruling that students must used bathrooms for the designated biological birth gender.
Then North Carolina enacted a law declaring the same.
And counties, mainly in the South, have refused to issue marriage licenses to same sex couples.

All these decisions have one thing in common.  The legal powers accommodate the objections of one or more individuals who do not like or approve of the choices of someone else.  The legal authorities are trying to dictate deeply personal behavior mainly on the basis of their own religious views.  These laws or actions are not preventing people from doing any action that could be considered illegal - just objectionable to their own view of propriety. 
It is no different than the old laws, again mostly in the South, that forbid interracial marriage.  The Supreme Court ended those laws long ago.

The current personal choice issues, also based in civil rights, relate to the Trump campaign.  Trump's motto, "Make American Great Again",  is code for making America Christian, as well as as white, again. 

Trump may reach a segment of voters, but that group is trapped in the past and Trump's call to them shows his pandering and lack of leadership.  The irony is that Trump knows this perfectly.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Voter Polls Being Purged

 Reporter Greg Palast and Dale Ho of the ACLU's Voting Rights Project have reported that 27 Republican led states have instituted a major effort to reduce voting rolls.  They are taking lists of duplicate names in two states and summarily removing them from voter rolls.  The potential voter will not know this until they go to the polls to vote.  And the average voter won't know that they could still file a provisional ballot.  This purge is controlled by Republican state officials, so you can anticipate that it will predominantly effect people of color.  Examples included names that were either Latino or names predominantly indicating an African American person.

What is wrong with the Republican Party?  They can't win honestly, so they will try deceit, rather than identifying principles that can lead them to victory.  Not to mention that these tactics could help to elect Trump - even while there is a notable silence from mainstream Republicans on Trump's candidacy.

New York Times - Thank You !

Here's a link to The New York Times list of Trump insults:

Who do these insults appeal to?

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Make America Great Again

Michael Eric Dyson, not only African Americans understand the code as a subrosa way of saying racist things, like Make America White Again.  The question is how an individual responds to the code.  Same as the code Trump initiated with the so-called question of Obama's birthplace.  I can't get inside the heads of the Trump supporters (thank goodness!) and I don't if some or all of them realize what the code is all about.  But many thinking whites do.


So now the price for the EpiPen, the life saving immediate response for severe allergic reactions, has been raised about 400%, from about $100 to $500. 
This will make it prohibitively expensive for some people. 
The pharmaceutical company, Mylan, is the exclusive manufacturer of this project, ie, Myland has a monopoly.
Mylan recently dramatically increased the salaries of their top executives.
The EpiPen is mostly (not exclusively) used by children.

Thankfully, there will be multiple hearings in Congress - because this price increase affects so many, many families.  Unlike the Shkreli price increase that affects a relatively small group of people, however, essential that drug is.

Here's the thing.  Without the EpiPen, the cost of treatment for allergic attack will increase astronomically - the ambulance, the emergency room, possibly significant hospital stay.  If the victim of an allergic attack, without the EpiPen, even survives.

Can you say tin ear?  A widely used essential drug, in a Presidential election year.  How stupid, as well as insensitive, can a company be. 

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Black Lives Matter

Trump talks about the problems of African Americans in global terms, how "they" live in poverty, don't own homes, have terrible schools, no health care.  How insulting.  And he doesn't say what he would do to address the problems he perceives.
Trump also says, to the African American community, that if "you walk down the street, you get shot."  What he doesn't support is the Black Lives Matter movement.  Why? Because he didn't include police on black violence as a problem.  If he supported Black Lives Matter, or even acknowledged the issue of police violence against African Americans, maybe he could be seen as sincere in addressing the issues of the African American community.

Rigged Election

In a letter sent Saturday, the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights asked the Warsaw, Poland-based Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) to "greatly expand" its U.S. election monitoring program.

Trump has stirred up questions about the legitimacy of the United States election process for the Presidency in two truly frightening ways.  First, he said he expected to win in a landslide and, if he didn't, it would be because the process was rigged.  THEN he also said that his supporters should go out and watch, linking suspicion of voter fraud to minority urban districts.

He follows the polls so he knows that he is likely to loose.  By stirring up this suspicion of fraud, he is already working to de-legitimize the Hillary Clinton Presidency.  AND, if you follow his direction to his followers to be vigilant in looking at the duplicate voting in urban minority voting districts, it is a very small step to violence at the polls.

Trump's actions for the past year escalate in their destabilizing objectives.  The only question is why is this man doing this?   What does he have to gain by de-legitimizing the foundation of democracy and paralyzing our government?

Monday, August 22, 2016

About Face

Trump won the nomination of the Republican Party on the basis of his immigration policy proposals - to deport 11 million undocumented people by creating a "deportation force" to implement the deportations.  He detailed his intent more specifically than anything else he has proclaimed, except perhaps that he intended to build a wall and have Mexico pay for it.  Any person with a discerning brain knew the wall could not happen and certainly wouldn't be paid for by Mexico.  Maybe his deportation plans fooled a few more people.  In any case, a plurality of Republican voters - never a majority, by the way - voted for him based on these proposals. 
Now Trump is backing down.  He is muttering, rather without clarity, on developing some kind of legality for them.  And meeting with representatives of the Latino community at Trump Tower.  And his campaign manager, when asked about what Trump's plan is now, replied "To be determined."
Here's the thing.  Why would his core supporters, based on his immigration proposals, continue to support him?  He can't be trusted, even on his most fundamental tenets.  He only says what he thinks will get him votes.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

The Breitbart Plan

Everything is rigged, according to Trump - the election, the media, the government.  And Clinton is cheating.   But the potential result is undermining the electorate's confidence in the entire governmental process.

The only reason for such declarations is Trump's view that he is going to loose.
Meanwhile, Trump hires the editor of Breitbart, an ultra right wing media outlet. 

Why?  I believe with the published conclusion that Trump is setting himself up for developing an ultra right wing media presence after his election loss.  So we can expect a continuing barrage against the foundation of our government. 

The Republican Party has made a mess.  Even if the GOP manages to pull out a  miracle and hold either house of Congress, they will be torn apart - unless they totally disown Trump and figure out how to rebuild itself.

Hillary Did It

You can't tell me that this isn't about Hillary as a woman.
Yesterday, I heard the ultimate - a Trump surrogate declared that Hillary started the birther questions about the birth certificate and origin of Barrack Obama.  Joy Reid countered definitively with many "No"s said repeatedly as the surrogate talked over her.
This comes as Trump declared that Clinton did not have the "mental and physical stamina" to be Commander-in-Chief.  Really?  And a Trump surrogate spoke about "Clinton's dysphagia" like it was a completely accepted condition.  BTW, dysphagia is the inability to swallow.  Huh?

Here's the thing.  Has any candidate for the Presidency been the subject of such allegations and attacks?  NO!   Now, granted that the Trump campaign is headed by a candidate who knows nothing about policy and has no substantial program to present and that he and his surrogates  have no experience in running a national campaign.  BUT, I am firmly convinced that the attacks that Trump and associates have lobbed would never be thrown at a man - of course, he would have found something else to toss at a man, like he did in the primaries.  

That so many campaign surrogates match the untruths that Trump throws underscores that this line of attack comes from Trump - the one and only boss.  And the fact of the matter is that Trump has chosen a line of attack that only lands because the recipient of the attacks is a woman.

Friday, August 19, 2016

Trump Can't Even Manage a Campaign

He is now on his third campaign staff.  Veering wildly from one inexperienced manager (Lewandowsky) to a lobbyist outsider with ties to Russia (Manafort) and now to the head of Britbart News, universally accepted as an ultra right wing crank!
How can anyone think he could run the United States of America if he can't even run a campaign?

The Wrong Words

Now Trump says, in the heat of debate, he might have used the wrong words or said the wrong thing.  Huh?  Months of a scorched earth against Republican and Democrat alike, and now he says he might have said the wrong thing? !!!!!
Yes, it is "the wrong thing" to mock and insult individuals in the rudest terms, simply calling them names, to declare Moslems personae non grata in the USA, to disparage war heroes.  Trump has not misspoke - a word I detest - no one misspeaks, no, misspeaking is a way to avoid admitting error.  Trump did not say he misspoke, he said he used the wrong words or said the wrong thing.  But he has being saying the wrong words and things for over a year!
Now we have no idea who Trump is or what he believes.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Trump's Disguised Sexism

So Trump has declared that Hillary Clinton's health isn't up to the standard needed for a President.  Huh?  He criticizes her physical and mental health and says she goes home and sleeps.  Huh?  First of all, he doesn't know this first hand, second, she ahs released a detailed statement from her physician, compared to his blatantly phoney health statement that declares he is the healthiest person to ever run for President.  Huh?
But here's the bottom line:  this attack by Trump is an indirect, subtle way of injecting sexism into the discussion.  We are back to code words - this time, her inaccurate physical and mental limitations  will only ring true with people, mostly men, who believe women are not up to the job.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Christie Stole NJ's Money

The truth is out.  Trump owed $30 million in taxes to NJ for his Atlantic City casinos.  Christie reduced Trump's liability to $5 Million.  Ergo, Christie stole $25 million from New Jersey treasury and citizens.  While NJ citizens pay among the highest property taxes in the USA AND Christie refuses to fulfill the agreement he made with the state legislature to contribute to the state employees pension fund to bring it closer to solvency.

Guiliani Lies

Guiliani praised Trump for "bravely" talking bout "law and order" to an African American audience in Milwaukee.  In fact. trump was 40 miles away before an almost entirely white audience.
Last week, Guiliani claimed that the first incident of Islamic terrorism took place on American soil during Obama's Presidency.  Huh?  Has he forgotten 9/11?
Who does he think he's fooling?

Congress: Demand Trump's Tax Return

If Congress can get FBI investigative files on Hillary Clinton, why aren't they demanding Trump's tax returns from the IRS?


So the FBI is turning over their investigative details about Hillary Clinton's email server to Congress!  During the FBI Director's testimony before Congress, committee members talked about impeaching Clinton for perjury.   
Can you say, "Witch Hunt"? 
I see two problems with this disclosure of information: first, this is a precedent that means material that the FBI has on anyone - under investigation but not indicted - can be turned over to Congress - there goes privacy.  second is simply the continuing attack on Hillary Clinton - I just watched a super pac ad that integrated the words of Hillary Clinton with those of her husband implying that all the words are lies. 
Meanwhile, Trump has not released his taxes and the country has no idea what his ties to Russia and Putin are.  Why doesn't Congress demand Trump's tax return from the IRS? 
Because Congress wants to attack Hillary Clinton. 

Thursday, August 11, 2016


Trump says the election is rigged, the media is rigged and the Obama and Hillary Clinton are the co-founders of ISIS.
These lies are toxic to democracy.  End of discussion.
Citizens who believe these comments are either mentally unstable themselves, unable to think critically or blind. 
Beliefs that the system of government and the free independent are rigged destabilize and lead to the dominance of demagogues and destruction of government as we know it.

Monmouth University Poll

Following up on my concern about the American democracy, post-November election, the Monmouth University Poll determined that currently, 72% of Republicans and 34%of the overall general electorate view Trump favorably.  Where will these people be after the election?  Trump continues to de-legitimize Hillary Clinton - not disagreeing with her on policy - he is declaring her incompetent and criminal. 

I suddenly think maybe trump thinks that he is playing a game.  Why else would he do this?

What happens when she wins?  What is Trump doing?  He is undermining the foundation of democracy.  How short-sighted, even to his personal interest as a businessman, is this?  And, more importantly, to the strength and foundation of the United states - how selfish is this ! 

Even Further Too Far

The latest - Trump says that President Obama is the founder of ISIS and Secretary Clinton is the co-founder.  I heard the snippet from his rally.  He actually said those words and then his audience could be heard chanting, "lock her up".  The absurdity of that explicit statement does not warrant reply.

However, Trump is destroying the fabric of the American democracy.  He has been doing this since he began the movement that questioned Obama's American birth and the legitimacy of his Presidency.  There is no good outcome of his actions.  The most likely is that he will loose the election and this is the better and more likely option.  But American democracy will not be home free.  A significant portion of Republican Party private citizen members are going to be left believing Trump's lies that the election was rigged and that the new President (Clinton) is a felon.  What the hell then? 

Trump, this man, has serious mental deficiencies.  As his popularity in the polls decreases, his rhetoric gets more vile and absurd.  What will happen if he actually looses the election?  Will he loose any little remaining amount of sanity? And what will he do  with that?

This man is toxic to American democracy.  The Republican Party needs to find another candidate.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Trump and Money

Trump's support comes from an odd collection of individuals.  Surrogates include Guiliani and Christie.  Last night I heard a man, Bovis Epthstein (sp?) who identified himself as a Trump surrogate and as an immigrant who arrived from Russia in 1993.  Also, a number of younger women speak for the Trump campaign.  A state representative from the Midwest advocated putting Hillary Clinton in front of a firing squad for her emails - AND he is on a foreign policy advisor to Trump!  Then people quibble over whether Trump meant assassination when he said second amendment people could take care of it.
It is time for the media to start asking a question to these people: are you being paid by Trump or have you been given a quid prop quo?  Even if they deney it, put his supporters on the record.
Why else are these people supporting him?

Representative Peter King, SHAME

King says, "an over the shoulder remark," he shouldn't have said it.  King says he is trying to put trump's comment in context.  HAH!  And then discusses individuals who support  violence against police attending Hillary Clinton's rally because Black Lives Matter supporters were there.  Huh?  I have never heard Black Lives Matter advocate violence against police.  King represents Long Island New York.  When is he going to lead his constituents?  This is not a hard core conservative district.  No excuse for not taking leadership.
King says Trump would be better as Commander-in-Chief than Hillary Clinton and that Trump has the "tempriment" to do it.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Over the Edge

This one makes me feel physically ill.  at a rally, Trump just said that maybe second amendment advocates could do something about Clinton.  Even the journalist reporting it said that it could be interpreted as an invitation to assassination.  Some of us are old enough to remember 1963 and 1968.  And Trump is also old enough to remember.  Something that should never, ever be said.  Disgusting.

Quoting Joe Scarborough

Yes, really!  I'm quoting a conservative.  His summary, "Karma, Baby!"  He took irony to another level.  He described the Khan appearance at the democratic Convention as pivotal in American hsitory, particularly the moment when he held up a pocket copy of the US Constitution and asked if Trump had read it.  (As an aside, the New York Times' article about the Khans wrote about how Mr Khan kept pocket copies of the Constitution in his house and handed them out to guests - making it clear that his act at the Convention was sincere.) 

Protest at Trump rallies now takes the form of holding up pocket copies of the US Constitution.  Then those protesters get thrown out of a Republican's rally - for holding up the Constitution!  Republicans throwing out the Constitution.  Scarborough nailed it - "Karma, Baby"!

Monday, August 8, 2016

"Reliable Sources" are reporting that an "independent candidate" is being prepared to run with the objective of providing a well funded alternative to Donald Trump that could be on the ballot in maybe 20-some states.  The objective being to give Republicans an alternative vote for  instead of Trump. 

Wow.  But strange and contrary to the basis of the two party system.  This reminds me of the point of view put forth when the US invaded Iraq.  Once you start something, you don't know where it will take you.  Some alternatives of screwing with the basic system could be Gary Johnson or Jill Stein as President or the election thrown into the House of Representatives.

Republicans need to do what they should - vote for Clinton or stay home.  Deal with Trump - he is simply unacceptable to the security of the USA.

Thursday, August 4, 2016


Suddenly I find myself feeling a bit better about the state of the Presidential election.  Hmmm.  Why could that be?  I finally realize what has sent me over the edge about Donald Trump.  It's not any one of his policies or his attacks on individual politicians and the government itself.  Although I do see the frightening destructiveness of trashing these very foundations of our system of government.

The problem has been my awareness for many months that someone with mental impairment is seriously running for President and the mainstream media's unwillingness to address this problem.  At first, trump was portrayed as a joke, then if not a joke, at least benign. 

FINALLY!  He is being seen for what he actually is.  A man with some form of mental impairment and severe limitations in his ability to fulfill the responsibilities of the Presidency.  Trump sees it too.  Unfortunately, his response is now to declare the election to be "rigged".  Once again, setting up the opportunity for his blind followers to dismiss our government and the very democratic (small "d") foundation of our system.  Again, an effort only possible by someone of extreme mental limitations.  Because I don't believe he hates this country so much that he wants to undermine it.  I'm sure he doesn't want that.

I think this realization began seriously when Elizabeth Warren attacked him and he responded.  It's been all downhill for Trump ever since.

Finally, there is hope for our democracy, even if the coming months will be very painful

Wednesday, August 3, 2016


Word is that Republican leaders are planning on "intervention" this weekend, in order to get the candidate back on message.
The thing is - if he can't stop making colossal mistakes and actually stay on message in a mere campaign, how could he operate as President?

Report from Morning Joe on msnbc

MSNBC host Joe Scarborough told a stunned panel Wednesday morning that when Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump met with an unnamed national security expert earlier this year, he repeatedly asked why the U.S. couldn't use its nuclear weapons stockpile.
"Several months ago, a foreign policy expert went to advise Donald Trump," Scarborough said. "And three times he asked about the use of nuclear weapons — three times he asked. At one point, 'If we have them, why can't we use them?'"

No Gloating

News report indicate that the Trump campaign is imploding.  Manafort has "checked out", Trump's staff is "suicidal" and his adult children can't control him.
Finally, the news media is calling Trump out for his name calling, Trump's denials of his previous statements, his lies, his total lack of knowledge of foreign affairs and recognizing that Trump AND Pence are allowing their supporters boo military families.  Talking heads are now including people who know Trump first hand and discuss his mental instability as well as psychologists who discuss the mental issues that Trump presents.
Prominent Republicans, like Meg Whitman, are stating that they will vote for Hillary Clinton and raise funds for her. 
Republican leadership is in a tough position, sure.  This is the time when they can become profiles in courage or go down in history as weak pseudo-leaders who allow their party to take the country to a very dark place.  It's like they are allowing our country to sink to the level of a third world country.

Finally, it's time.  If the Republicans can fix this, I won't gloat.  I will respect their courageous decisions to put their party and the country as a whole back ahead of the support for a demagogue on the right track.  Yes, it's time.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Thank You, President Obama !

President Obama said publicly that Trump "is unfit to serve as President...and keeps on proving it".
It was courageous and our President needed to do this.  Two comment areas from Trump over this past week have confirmed it: Trump's remarks regarding the Khan family and his understanding, or lack thereof, of the history and current issues of Ukraine. 

We will se where the President's comments takes Trump.  He usually responds to criticism by doubling down with vindictive.  He has already responded to the successful Democratic Convention by descending into the depths by calling Hillary Clinton "the devil" and stating that if she wins the election, it will prove that the election was rigged.  WHAT????  He is already doing to her what he did to Obama with the birther comments ie, de-legitimizing her Presidency.

Is he really trying to destroy our system of government or is he just stupid and selfish?

Monday, August 1, 2016

Here's a Link

Max Boot says it better than me.  here's the link:

My criticisms of Donald Trump are reiterated in his article "How the Stupid Party Created Donald Trump".  But Boot, an advisor to Republican Presidential candidates, added an observation that enlightened me.  He posits that the Republican Party, going back to the 1950's, have attempted to present themselves as the easy, average anti-intellectuals while Democrats are the party of elite intellectuals.  (Remember Nixon's "silent majority" and Reagan's folksy speeches? )  While at the same time, Republicans used those same intellectual elite as their own advisors and support staff from Harvard.  This anti-intellectualism was the beginnings of the Tea Party.  And the Tea Party decided to disparage the government and de-legitimize its leaders. 

So Trump can present himself a man of the people and imply that his lack of grounding in details of both domestic and foreign policies is an advantage.  Not only is that NOT an actual advantage, it is not even in sync with the real foundations of the party he claims to represent. 

Bottom line, IMHO, as I have written before, the Republican Party  should reform the mess that they created.  Actually, who knows?  If the Republicans do not fix this, it looks like Trump could kill their party.