Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Get Him Out of There

It doesn't matter why he did it. He shared intelligence with Russian officials. What he did is wrong and displays unbelievable lack of judgment. This business of being the de-classifier-in-chief is just so much crap. The United States of America is a country run by laws of a stable government. He damaged the country's security now and in the future by dismissing a belief that the USA treats intelligence securely. End of discussion. Next topic - how to get him out of the Presidency. For now, getting him out of office is up to the Republican leadership by either beginning impeachment proceedings, implementing the 25th Amendment or getting him to resign. Time for the Republican leadership to step up. I'm waiting.

Trump + Intelligence

Actually, using the word intelligence in the same sentence as Trump is oxymoronic.
That said, recent reveals boggle the mind.  Apparently the door to the Oval is open and any staff can slip fake news reports among Trump's reading materials.  This method of providing him with fake news apparently is how he got the bug up his butt about Obama wiring Trump Tower.  Tht says all about the potential damage from this practice.
At the same time, he has directed that his written intelligence briefings get briefer.  Instead of three pages of paragraphs, he has directed that he wants one page of bullet points. Obviously, details and any subtleties will be lost.
There are multiple investigations into Trump and Russian collusion.  The Trump investigations are looking at his empire's finances.  There have been rumblings about Trump's use of his Atlantic City casinos for money laundering in the past.  There is Eric Trump's claim a few years ago that the Trump enterprises get all the money they need from Russia.
We hear accounts of Trump screaming at television sets and his emphasis on finding leakers, usually at the expense of the distressing content that those leaks have revealed.
Finally, there is the obvious chronology of events: Yates tells White House lawyer McGahn about the risk that Flynn could be blackmailed by Russia.  A couple days later she is fired.  Flynn continues to participate in top secret intelligence and is fired 18 days later for a lie to the Vice President.  Then FBI Director Comey revealed the criminal investigation into the Russian issues and the Congressman Nunes' contratemp ensued.  Then Yates testified as to what she told McGahn and Comey was fired a day later.  And a day later, the Russian foreign minister and ambassador were in the Oval.
The Russian Oval meeting was joined by Russian Press photographer but no American media.  It turns out that Trump revealed such highly classified info that intelligence staff literally left the meeting to immediately call the CIA and NSA, which is how these facts made their way into the American press. 
Trump'sfailing fall into two categories.  First is the general chaos, lack of knowledge and skill in Presidential management and respect for historical precedents plus his outright lies.  But  the worst is his inability to maintain the secrecy of intelligence.
This is a picture of total incompetence and risk to this country.  The Republican Party controls both houses of Congress.  Trump is their President.  It's all up to the Republican leadership.  The country does not need to spend two years of investigations which will goad Trump.   into ever greater levels of chaos. Simultaneously, the impeachment process will drag out as the country's government grinds to a halt or worse. 
The Republican leadership needs to step up and get Trump to resign.  Or to initiate proceedings under the 25th Amendment.
The time is now.

Monday, May 15, 2017

End of Presidency - Secrets Revealed

Trump did a terrible thing, revealing highly classified info to an adversary. Either Trump is a stupid blabbermouth or he is in collusion with Russia. He shared info with Russia the day after he fired the FBI Director. And before that, Yates testified about the Flynn Russia connection. Simple facts. Before the classified info was revealed, the investigation of Russian hacking and collusion marched along at a normal pace. Now that highly classified info was revealed by the President of the US to an adversary, this event needs immediate response. We cannot have a President who can reveal top secret information. The Republican Party controls Congress - it is up to their leadership to take immediate action. Or time to implement the 25th Amendment. The world moves quickly in 2017. No time for a year long investigation or impeachment process. While the President has the proven ability to reveal highly classified info.  Action needed now.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017


Trump must have a lot to fear.  He isn't that stupid.  Comey's firing is a huge step motivated in an instant as diversion from the Yates and Clapper testimony.  Trump's letter is evidence of the long term motivation - Trump's claim that Comey told Trump three times that Trump was not investigated for a Russia connection. 
But Trump is ignorant of US Constitutional government.  His self-interest directs his actions, not Constitutional law. 
Now is not the time to muddle over whether there should be an independent investigation.
There are many questions of Presidential adherence to the US Constitution - Trump's taxes, the emoluments issues, the family involvement - that are in plain sight. 
The Republican Party has made a deal with the devil - the GOP accomplishes their conservative goals while the ethical Republicans hold their collective noses s they watch Trump trample on their conservative Constitutional values.  Time for the Republican Party to quit the deal and put the Constitution first.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

"I alone can fix it."

Thus sayeth the Donald*.  And that is how he is behaving - not bothering to fill hundreds of position in the government.  Without appointing knowledgeable diplomats as under secretaries and assistant secretaries and a Secretary of State who is almost totally silenced.  Then, over dinner, he decided to raid Yemen, killing an American citizen child and blaming Obama.  Then, because he - or maybe Ivanka - felt bad that children were gassed, he bombed Syria. 
Now, with fears over military growth of North Korea, he turns to President Xi of China with a phone call.
He declares that Russia is making a mistake in supporting Assad in Syria - the Donald doesn't realize that Russia needs that warm water port.  The Donald doesn't even understand the strategic interests.
The Secretary fo sTate, UN Ambassador and Press Secretary all express different policy positions - sometimes different from the positions that the individual themselves expressed within a  day.
As Americans and American allies criticize the incompetent idiot in the chaotic White House that he himself created, Putin has joined the chorus. 
The domestic chaos that he created is now spreading to the international scene.  Does Donald want this?  Is it deliberate?  Incompetence?  Diversion from his domestic failures? the FBI Russian investigation?
The position in the United States of America in world affairs is deteriorating.
How long before Republicans intervene?

*Until Donald refers to government officials and others with proper respect, I will continue to refer to him as Donald.

Saturday, April 8, 2017


Less than 100 days into the Trump Administration.  Right off the top, there was the Yemen raid - followed of course by the it's-Obama's-fault standard defense to the problems and deaths raid.  Then I learned that in the short duration of the Trump Administration, his efforts resulted in more civilian deaths than since 2013 until the end of the Obama Administration. 
THEN Trump authorized the bombing in Syria. 
All this from the candidate who campaigned on America First.  It is possible that he was simply listening to recommendations of the generals in the administration who might be the only adults in the room and, as has been widely reported, he listens to the recommendations of the last person in the room.
Until he talked about babies dying in chemical attack.  Since when does he care about 89 lives, including some babies, in Syria?  He doesn't care about the seniors who won't eat if he defunds Meals on Wheels, if EPA head Pruitt reverses the ban on a farm pesticide the causes brain damage in infants.  It is public knowledge that Trump urged Obama to avoid military action in Syria when 1400 people were killed by chemical warfare. 
Trump has not staffed his Department of State and his Secretary of State has completely reversed his position toward Syria over a couple days.  All Trump has advising him are some very competent generals and two feuding advisors - one who is his 36 year old son-in-law and the other is an Alt-right anti-Semitic nationalist.  We can be pretty sure that Trump isn't making decisions on the basis of historical perspective and discreet, well thought policy.
What changed?  Trump is under suspicion for collusion in the Russian hacking.  Russia is a strong, public ally of the Syrian leader, Assad.  What Trump rally needs is evidence that he is not in Russia's pocket.
Either prospect is terrifying - either he is seeing his military potential as a Presidential toy or as a means to prove he doesn't have ties to Russia or to divert attention from the investigation into the Russian hacking and possible Trump collusion.

Thursday, March 30, 2017


I have been blogging to present my political point of view in this incredibly tense time of real chaos in domestic and foreign policy as well as the Russian manipulation of democracy, both American and other Western democracies. 
Further, I truly believe that Trump has contributed to the destabilizing of the American democratic process - from his initial claim that Obama was foreign born to the well publicized comment tht America is  "not so innocent" in response to the observation about Russia's brutal political suppression.  I won't presume to attribute motives to trump - could be selfish political goals, selfish personal financial goals, blackmail from Putin, an effort to ingratiate Putin.  Who knows.  But trump is not stupid - Trump's behavior is so consistent and pervasive that it is no accident.
Trump' cabinet selections are equally radical and destabilizing, going beyond general conservative mainstream choices.
Put all the Trump generated chaos on top of the Republican Party's past obstruction of any efforts of the Obama Presidency and the GOP's current effort to destroy any legacy of any Obama action.

In the future, I will be expressing my views primarily from my twitter account, @quiltsbyliz.  I will only blog when I need to express issues requiring more general narratives. 

I also maintain an email group to communicate Resistance actions - demonstrations, rallies and phone campaigns.  I send emails as blind cc's so that news doesn't get lost in posts of opinions.  If anyone wishes to join, send me a tweet at @quiltsbyliz.

Saturday, March 25, 2017

GOP Chaos

Paul Ryan drafted his healthcare bill in secret, even hiding it on Capital Hill.  Why?  First, he must have had the go ahead from Trump to create the bill that Ryan himself wanted. After all, we know that Trump is no policy wonk - and to this date hasn't shown any reason for us to believe that he knew what was in the bill.  So, next step, Paul Ryan drafted his "dream" bill.  Paul Ryan didn't care about healthcare deliver one bit - Paul Ryan just wanted to end a major entitlement (Medicaid) as we know it.  His "healthcare" AHCA was just window dressing to gut Medicaid.
Funny thing happened.  People noticed that there was no healthcare in the healthcare bill!  And a grass roots movement was born tht will live well beyond the defeat of the AHCA.
Proof that Paul Ryan didn't care about healthcare came when his solution to difficulty in getting his bill passed was to pander to the hard right by removing any semblance of ehalthtcare form the bill.  No longer would insurers be required to provide benefits like materity, mental health, emergency room, outpatient, pediatric services.  A race to the bottom was on!  What insurance company would provide anything except a profit stream for their executives and stock holders?  None.
Funny thing.  Even more center Republicans couldn't stomach this, especially with the grass roots movement growing stronger and wider by the day.
Meanwhile, Trump's idle threats meant nothing to a GOP  Representative who realized that Trump didn't know what he was talking and didn't care.  also, given the criminal investigation about Russian collusion into Trump's campaign, it is possible that trump wn't be office by the midterms.  What "power" does Trump have?
And just to prove it, Trump quit after a couple days trying to pass the Paul Ryan bill.
So,net effect? GOP chaos and a strong grass roots movement that will not go away anytime soon.
Next up, Neil Gorsuch

Friday, March 24, 2017

Second Story of the Day

The main story of the day is, of course, that the Republican (no) healthcare bill went down in flames and that trump is blaming the Democrats in congress for the loss, despite the fact that Ryan never created this bill in secret, never consulted Democrats and proceeded to remove more and more aspects of care as he drove the content of the bill further away from providing actual care. 

The task of the supporters of Obamacare now must monitor what Tom Price, Secretary of HHS, will try to do to it by changing regulations of Obamacare in his control.

However, it is important to make note of the latest bizarre action by Devan Nunes, Chair of the House Intelligence Committee.  A public hearing was scheduled for next week, bringing FBI Director James Comey, NSA Director rogers AND Sally Yates, who trump fired, back for more testimony.  Nunes actually cancelled the hearing and announced such in a press conference before telling the members of the committee.  And, incidentally, he has not yet details of his allegation, revealed in two press conferences, about monitoring of Trump to members of his committee.  but he told Trump.

Unless Nunes is replaced, the House Intelligence Committee has become a branch of the Executive Branch, breaching the sacred Constiutional concept of separation of powers.  Maybe Speaker Ryan, who can't get his bills passed, can at least change the chairman of a critical committee.  Maybe he cn take care of that.  If not, a different vehicle for investigation must be developed.

Thursday, March 23, 2017


A former deputy to former Attorney General Eric Holder, whose name escapes me, said that Devan Nunes, Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, did the equivalent of pouring gasoline on himself and lighting himself on fire.  Why? Nunes held two press conferences and took some info directly to trump without taking it to his committee, nor even the ranking member of his committee, a Democrat. 
So much for the separation of powers and the US Constitution. 
The House healthcare bill and the revelation that Paul Manafort has been under contract to a Russian to the tune of $10million a year.  Then Nunes not only poured gasoline on himself, but also did so to the Republican Party.  Did he think he was helping Trump?  Or was he warning Trump that there is another ticking time bomb there?
As I wrote in my last post, these events are now all post scripts.  We are just waiting for Republicans in the House of Representatives to begin impeachment proceedings unless Trump resigns.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

My Guess

Paul Ryan miscalculated.  He thought he could ram a bill through the House.  That is obvious.  He hid the bill, and set it up for a quick vote with no budget scoring and no public hearing.  Paul Ryan is not stupid.  He knew that Trump would not read any bill, so his support was pretty much assured.  He didn't know that the actual impact (the higher costs of insurance, the loss of Medicaid for millions, plus huge tax breaks for the wealthy) of the bill's features on actual healthcare would be noticed by voters and healthcare providers.  He didn't know that the Trump administration would be under criminal investigation for involvement in Russian hacking of the recent election, diminishing the power and influence of the administration. 
There you have it.  We will find out tomorrow where Paul Ryan winds up.
As for the Trump Presidency, in sixty-some days, it is on the ropes.  If the lying tweets about Obama's wire tapping didn't do it, then the images from Trump's meeting with Angela Merkel finished any sense of hope for a legitimate presidency.  Secretary of State Rex Tillerson's choice to visit Russia and blow off a NATO meeting, as outrageous as this is in the real world, is merely a post script to a ruined presidency since now the question is simply how and when Trump will be out of office.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Only One Answer

Every day there is new evidence of how unfit Trump I for the office of the President.  His lack of knowledge or skill for international diplomacy, as on full view during Angela Merkel's visit.  His cabinet with problems ranging from HHS Secretary's probably illegal stock purchases to cabinet members who oppose the work of their departments and crowned by a Secretary of State who has no staff, will loose a major portion of his department's budget and appears to be fine with foreign policy run out of the ignorant White House.
Then there is Trump' staff selections.  Which is worse? Bannon, the right winger who wants to "deconstruct' government? Or Flynn, the agent of a foreign government, Turkey, plus getting paid by Russia, appointed as National Security Advisor.
With Paul Ryan taking advantage of the opportunity of an idiot President to ram through a healthcare bill, more an evisceration of healthcare bill, a long standing aim of his political career to screw the middle class and poor while enriching the wealthy.  Trump is so stupid that he expressed his perspective on the bill as incredulity - who knew healthcare was so complicated.  Duh.
Mr James Walker, 31, of Tennesee, carried a sign declaring that he had made a "Huge Mistake".  I wanted to cry - for his public honesty and probably much despair.  But Mr Walker may be the vanguard of the solution.  The Republican Party will not act responsibly until some hard core Trump supporters join Mr Walker. Mr Walker may be our true hero.
There is no point ranting on a regular basis about this or that additional bit of evidence of Trump's stupidity, ego, lies, ignorance or hate.  I will only post when Trump's behavior is so egregious I cannot bear to let it go ignored.
Impeachment or resignation.  It must be done.  It is that simple and the Republican Party holds all the cards.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

AHCA GOP Wreckage

The Republicans are selling the Brooklyn Bridge.  But if Paul Ryan can shrink government give the rich tax guts, he has fulfilled his goals.  So he smiles his giddy smile and resorts to lies that his bill is a mercy act for Obamacare.  The only death spiral talk came from two companies, Aetna and Humana when they were denied the right to merge (and thereby reduce coverage choices).
A tidbit that I heard last night - AHCA ends coverage for black lung, even if one is able to afford insurance. There are also reductions in treatment for opioid addiction and mental health.  If you have coverage at all.
The worst features of the bill are:
  •  the change to Medicaid block grants, first time ever an entitlement program is demolished (perhaps the cause for Paul Ryan's smile),
  • the increased premiums coupled with less coverage, the change from large subsidies to tax credits that will mean nothing to low income folks who barely pay taxes
  • the inability to reimburse Planned Parenthood for cancer screenings and birth control pills, alleging that nonexistent community health clinics will fulfill the role that Planned Parenthood does now
  • the premium increases to the older Americans aged 50-something to 65, when Medicare kicks in
  • the huge penalty that someone will incur if they try to enroll after having dropped or lapsed their coverage

But the advocates of the bill - the few who speak publicly about their support - say what makes it great is CHOICE.  Fantastic.  But over 8 years, 24 million loose coverage and the rich get a tax cut.  My projection is that the saving in the projected deficit will be spent on Trump's increased military spending plans or the ridiculous wall.

Speaking of cost -A little aside - I learned that Trump's vow to not accept the Presidential salary is not accurate.  But then nothing he says ever is.  He will accept the salary and then donate it to charity.  So, the government will pay him $400,000 and then he will take a tax deduction for the charitable donation calculated at $158,400.  Not what I call a savings to the federal government.  (Thanks you, Lawrence O'Donnell.)  Not to mention what it is costing for protection for Melania and Barron Trump to live in NYC and the frequent trips to Mar-Lago.  So Trump milks the government.  And we have yet to see his tax returns.

The Trump Administration is  bunch of old white men cashing in - who will hopefully be seen for what they are.  The only salvation may be the 2018 mid-terms.  If we Democrats can communicate the truth.

All this without even mentioning the Trump Russia problem!

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Rest in Peace, Republican Party

How far we have come.  Time to remember.  I'm a hard core Democrat but I respected the points of view and actions of some Republicans.  Many have recalled Senator John McCain's gentle reply to the audience member who called Obama an Arab.  McCain gently refuted that characterization.  Then there was President George W Bush who visited a mosque after 9/11 and spoke urging respect for women who wear Moslem head coverings.  The same President bush who supported Medicare expansion to include prescription drug coverage through Part D.
Senator McCain is still there, along with Senator Lynsday Graham, who sometimes step forward on concerns with Russia.

But the Republican Party is otherwise gone.  Vanished into the past.  Sarah Palin gave legitimacy to the so-called Tea Party, fueled by right wing media and internet, often with lies - not alternate facts, just plain lies.  The original Tea Party were patriots who dumped tea in the Boston Harbor.  The current remake has no such foundation. 

Republican Congresspersons have legitimate fears, some having been primaried by Tea Party rightists.  And I cannot forget  Joe Walsh he shouted "you lie" at President Obama during his speech to Congress.  Yes, the Republican Party has been in disarray.  Their primary process with seventeen candidates set them up for a crazy result and they got it.

Now the Congress has devised a healthcare plan that rewards the rich with tax reductions, reduces the ability of the middle class to afford health insurance and removes the poor from health insurance altogether.  They do this because they share Humana and Aetna's lie, that "Obamacaare" is in a "death spiral" and their plan is an act of mercy.  The supporters of the new bill smirk as they talk aobut it - that should tell you something.

Now all semblance of sanity is gone.  They have a leader in the White House who has no clear objectives, except for magnifying his own image to the maximum, and who has no understanding of governing principles, except for maintaining power, and does not care about American history and the continuity it gives our institutional leadership.  Since he is an empty self absorbed vessel, he listens to those who feed his crazy notions.  No ethics are left.  A National Security Advisor who is a foreign agent.  A Secretary of state who is unable to speak in public.  Threats of loss of funding for an array of programs - CDC, FEMA, even Homeland security and the Coast Guard - so a useless wall can be built at tax payers' expense.

Republicans gerrymandered Congressional districts after the 2010 census and impose voter id laws furthering their power.  Well they got the power and we got a Steve Bannon Presidency. 

It is up to the Republican Party to fix it.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Flynn Plus

So the National Security Advisor in the White House was a foreign agent for Turkey.  He filed the paperwork retroactively.  Hmm.  Maybe because he has to file his taxes which will show income of $530,000 from Turkey.
And just a couple days after this revelation, Attorney General Jeff Sessions fired the remaining US attorneys subject to the administration's wishes.  Hmmm.  I wonder if these firings might be to assure that the Flynn revelation isn't investigated. 
Or maybe the firing of 46 federal attorneys - clean out your desk by the end of the day type firings - is a smoke screen.  Maybe Trump realized that the US Attorney for the Southern District of NY - a particularly dogged investigator who has brought many a New York state politician - is a major risk to Trump himself.  Not to mention that such a sudden transition will ruin or at best severely delay current investigations, since Trump doesn't have any replacements lined up.
My personal guess is that Trump wants to make sure his own skin is safe and getting rid of the one zealous Attorney for the Southern District of NY will help that wish along.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Why Rush the AHCA ? Ah Ha!

The Trump Russia connection becomes clearer - Michel Flynn was acting as a foreign agent; top 3 foreign service staff have been removed by Trump Administration with no under secretaries or deputies in plce.  Hmmm.
Paul Ryan wants to get the repeal and replace disaster bill through before the trump Administration implodes maybe to Impeachment.  Ryan says this is their "last chance".
There's a reason Trump accused Obama - probably incorrectly - of the wire tap/.  Trump knows it's coming or out there.
Something is coming and they all know it

You're KIdding Me - NOT !

Trump was awarded more than 27 trademark uses for his name - in and by CHINA !  So much for distancing himself from his business interests.  But, need I say, worst of all, is Trump's public criticism of China on the trade front.  Plus, the need to involve China in addressing the increasingly aggressive posture of North Korea.  Perfect! Just what is in the interest of the USA - complicating the relationship with China.
Impeach him now

Wednesday, March 8, 2017


Critical Point: House of Representatives is scheduled to vote on this bill BEFORE the Congressional budget Office determines what the bill will cost.  So representatives will vote before they know the impact of their votes.  But hey! What does it matter?  What they know is that taxes on wealthy will be reduced and Medicaid recipients will be reduced.  What more do they need to know?

Ryan Lies.  He says Obamacare is in a death spiral and he and his Republican colleagues are on a rescue mission.  WRONG!  Even national actuarial societies dispute Ryan's claims.  Obamacare is not failing.  Gosh - just like Palin spoke about death panels, now Ryan claims death spirals.  Republicans seem to have a problem claiming death fake outs.  How low can the Republicans go?

 Meanwhile, the following OPPOSE Trumpcare:
American Hospital Association
American medical Association

Here's what Trumpcare  (AHCA) would do:

Take the money no longer paid to Planned Parenthood for medical services to women and give it to community health centers - that either do not exist or do not have the capacity to provide screening and medical services to women.

Allow people to buy policies cross state lines - allowing people to buy the cheapest policy with the least amount of services, thereby dumbing down the availability of good quality health insurance plans.

Older Americans, aged 55 to 65, would have their policies increase by about $5,000 per year.
People who let their policy to lapse will be charged 30% more when they re-enroll.  We can only guess that people letting their policy lapse probably would do so because they might be short of funds, like maybe a job loss.

Medicaid would be paid by grants to the individual states and would freeze the number of people receiving Medicaid.
People will be allowed to put more money into a health savings account - but of course the person must have the money available in their personal budget to do that.

The budget deductions for health corporations allowed under the law will be removed, allowing health providers to include any payments to their CEO's in their income tax deductions.

If 10 million people loose their healthcare coverage, community hospitals will return to serving people with o coverage.

Six pages of the 66 page bill addresses how people who win sizable lotteries should loose their Medicaid benefits -I cant' imagine why they need 6 pages for this minor point, but there it is.

It's getting clearer for me.  The Obamacare bill includes a couple taxes on the wealthy - a higher tax on investments for the wealthy and a surtax on "Cadillac" healthcare plans - that will be repealed by the new AHCA bill.  This will be accompanied by reductions in subsidies - one case study showed that someone getting  $10,000 subsidy to buy insurance under Obamcre would get a $4,000 subsidy under the new bill.  THAT'S how this bill benefits the rich over the middle class and poor.

The AHCA bill has not been scored for its costs.  Normally, the budget office will do that before a bill is released.  We have no idea what this bill does to finances.

Republican comments really tell the story of the AHCA: The Utah Congressman who says people should choose between buying an Iphone ($399) and health insurance (costis thousands).  When criticized, the Congressman said he had been "inartful".  Then there's the Kansas Congressman who says the poor "will always be with us", don't want healthcare and don't take care of themselves AND cited Jesus.  These comments tell you what Republican Congressmen truly want from their healthcare plan.

I will continue to update this  post as I learn more.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Wrong Again

Trump tweets that Obama released 122 vicious Gitmo detainees who were released re-entered the terroristic fight.  As usual, reporters fact checked his tweet for accuracy.  trump was wrong again - yes, 122 released Gitmo detainees reentered the fray but only 9 were released by Obama - the other 113 were released by Bush.
I guess Trump can only read one sentence in a report or listen to the first sentence of a briefing.
Just sayin'

Hidden Provision

Howard Dean, physician and Former Vermont Governor, just described a little discussed provision of  repeal and replace.  That is, in Obamacare there was a tax on high salaries (did Gov Dean say over $26 million?) of healthcare corporate CEO's (I'm not clear about whether it effects other CEO's).  .  That tax is repealed and ended in the GOP bill.
Gov Dean also says - and this is obvious - that the thousands (he said 50 million - that would include Medicaid recipient losses) who will loose their health insurance (through the change in Medicaid and subsidies) are in the poor states that voted for trump - like Kentucky and West Virginia.
One more thing - the new bill prohibits funding to Planned Parenthood for anything.  That is payment to Planned Parenthood for women's healthcare -cancer screenings and birth control - among other things.  Who uses these services?  young women, rural women, poor women, women who do not have a gynecologist. 
Maybe the Obmacare ACA needs refinement.  The GOP bill hurts healthcare delivery in the USA, doesn't help.  Interesting - no GOP legislator is talking about it today.  Hmm. I wonder why.

Post script - I'm hearing that the provision ending state lines for writing policies is in the bill.  Great (that's sarcasm).  The result will be that states like Mississippi will allow simple bills at low cost that offer limited services while state like New York, New Jersey, California will insist on policies with good provisions for the insured but at higher cost.  Naturally, most people will go for the Mississippi policy and eventually put the NY NJ CA policies out of business.  The perfect formula for dumbing down healthcare to crap.

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Chasing Hot Air

That's all Trump is - hot air.  Does anyone realize how ridiculous this is?  Not to mention how dangerous.  Does it matter whether he is trying to distract or just lashing out his uncontrollable anger?  Not one bit.  It is obvious to any sane person that he is not capable of doing the job of President.  It is that simple, not complicated at all.
The Republicans are in control.  They continue to put party and their ideas.-not held by the majority of the electorate - head of country.  They know it's their last chance at imposing their will on the majority - what they don't realize, apparently, is that this is their only chance to salvage democracy as we know it.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

My Ah Ha Moment

Now I think I understand Trump's motivation.  Scary.  He has been taking actions that make the Western world hate the USA.  Like fighting with Mexico, even Australia, comments about Merkel and dismissing NATO is outdated while American partners who don't do their fair share.  Not to mention his disparagement of the Moslem world.  While he praises Putin and Russia.

Rachel Maddow revealed how a Russian fertilizer oligark's private jet was seen at many airport locations next to the Trump plane during the campaign.  Suggesting that this oligark is a logical conduit to bring Putin's communication to trump in person. 

WHY?  It is in Putin's Russia best interest to diminish USA and foster international dislike/hatred of the USA.  Thereby enhancing Russia's international position.  Trump is acting like a Russian "asset", as in spy-talk.

Friday, March 3, 2017


Andrea Mitchell interviewed former Russian foreign minister, Andrei Kozyrev.  He left Russian government because he opposed Putin's policies.  Here's his great insight.  With all these meetings with Russians and Trump people, why wasn't the first sentence to the Russian, "stop the hacking into our election"?  Not a one of the Trump-ers have recounted that they stated their opposition to hacking whne speaking to the Russians.  Now, the Russians will have sent the content of these meetings back to Russia.  Will we ever find out what was really said?

Screwed Up

Congressional Republicans have locked up their healthcare - maybe repeal and release or maybe repeal - somewhere in Capital Hill's basement.  Even Rand Paul has been able to see it.  Of course, Paul wants to simply repeal separately and vote on replacement on the same day, even though they don't agree on replacement.  Nancy Pelosi says the secret bill hasn't been scored, ie., assessed for its budgetary impact.  Paul fears the secret bill will be presented as take it or leave it.

Russian contacts have extended to the Attorney General - more on that later - and now include Donald Trump Jr's trip to Russia and meetings with Jared Kushner.  Leaks are the way these facts some to light and the Trump administration calls leaks fake news and the news media "the enemy of the American people".  Wilbur Ross, Commerce Secretary, owns half the Cypress Bank that launders Russian oligarks money.  What more do you need to say?  And there is always the Trump comments all over the map on whether he has or has not had connections to Russia.  I get a feeling like roaches infecting our federal government.

Trump says the military spending increase is really a jobs program.  Gosh.  Didn't Hitler do that?  Why not solar energy, improved infrastructure and other ecological related improvements? 

Now Jeff Sessions has wisely recused himself on issues "during the campaign".  Smart move.  He tries to cut off the problems - his lying under oath and whatever has gone on regarding Russia after the election.  Slick.  He ahs not begun to take appropriate action for what we already know.

Just where is James Comey, FBI Director?  Intelligence Committee says Comey is refusing to give them answers to their questions.  Comey pursues criminal actions, Congress explores the safety of the country. 

This spiral is terrifying.  Impeachment cannot come soon enough

Thursday, March 2, 2017


Sessions lied under oath, but Republicans parse it, well, he was in a different role as a senator on the Armed Services Committee.  This is no excuse. The most generous spin would be to say, he could have answered honestly and iven n explanation, for example, the Senate Committee was considering this or that in Russian relations, etc.  But other committee members say they have not spoken to Russian ambssadors. Perhaps his fellow committee members could not support that story.  Or, he just chose to not get into the issue and thought he could get away with it.
Whatever.  He lied under oath.  Bill Clinton was impeached for a lie that had nothing to do with his job performance, let alone international relations with our country's major adversary.
An interesting side note that I am hearing.  The Obama Administration knew that there was a lot of stuff going on but they felt that they were in a no win position.  They could not appear to take sides in the election and they thought they could address the issue when Hillary Clinton was President.  After Trump won, members of the Obama Administration made every effort to preserve evidence.
We will learn more as the layers peel away. 
The serious issue is just how closely attached is the Trump administration to Russia.  Trump's tax returns must be made public.  How were his debts paid off?  It is beyond the election hacking, as bad as that was.  It is about our current relations with this adversarial country.
Trump has lied about issues large and small.  His pro-Russian sttements are legend.  Hard evidence must be presented to refute that this administration does not have affiliation to Russia.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Thank You, Washington Post

Jeff Sessions spoke to the Russian Ambassador twice during the Trump campaign in July and Sessions did not revel this when questioned during his confirmation hearings.  According to the Washington Post.  I didn't read far enough to find out if that involves perjured testimony under oath.  Sessions ahs still not recused himself from Russian investigations.
We are getting closer to an independent prosecutor and closer to Trump.
Thank you, Washington Post.

Monday, February 27, 2017

Number Five

Another one.  This time, a French historian, Henry Rousso, was detained by immigration for ten hours.  Pretty soon, tourists will decide that traveling to the US is too risky and that will diminish tourism income. 

Guess What?

DUH! Trump just discovered that the American healthcare delivery system is complicated!  Wow.  How insightful.  A high school student could have told him that.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

And a Fourth - even worse, If possible

Passengers on a domestic fight form the West Coast to JFK were asked to show ID?
what is happening to our country? Does one have the right to ask to see a warrant before showing id when asked?
We can't change the direciton of our country fast enough - this is like a police state! Plus declaring the media the "enemy of the people"? Yes, this is heading toward authoritrianism. Thank God for the press and the courts

That Makes Three

An Australian author interrogated for two hours at LAX, a senior Canadian couple fingerprinted at the border and Mohammed Ali's son, American citizen, detained for hours and questioned about his name on arrival from Jamaica.
I no longer know my country,  How do we stop this NOW?

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Impeach Now

Do it now and get it over with before it gets any worse.
First, we learn that the Chief of Staff asked the FBI to rebut talk about the administration's involvement/connections in Russia.
Next, we learn that Homeland Security intelligence ahs been given back their three page conclusion that the seven Moslem nations are not priorities for risk issues (however it was worded).  And HSA is told to rewrite their position!
And, almost simultaneously, we learn that the chairs of both the House and Senate Intelligence Committees have actually contacted news media to tell them that there is nothing to the Russia connection - at the White House's behest.
No wonder Trump is calling the media fake news and the enemy of the people.
If there was doubt that the Russia connection needed independent investigation, this should confirm it.  If there was no actual evidence, then the administration would welcome the investigation, but no, they want it squelched.
And, if the administration cannot face real facts about terrorist threats and risk, we as a country are at serious risk.  If politics and saving face matter ore than truth, we're just another banana republic.
We already know that we have a President who lies and exaggerates pathologically.
Time to stop this through impeachment before Trump causes something dangerous to occur.
Can't wait to her his response to National Security Advisor McMaster statement that the word "Islamic" be removed from description of terrorism.

Friday, February 24, 2017

Ah Ha Moment!

Steve Bannon at CPAC said it clearly.  He wants to "deconstruct" the federal government.  This also clarifies who is running the Trump administration - and it's Steve Bannon.  It explains Jeff Sessions, Betsy DeVos, Scott Pruitt and Tom Price.  I haven't heard about Rick Perry lately, but him too. 

Bannon's deconstruction objectives fall neatly into Trump's own chaos theory.  Maybe Trump actually thinks that chaos is the best way to negotiate - even though his "deals" wound up in bankruptcy more than five times.  But I digress.  Deconstructing the federal government flies in the face of a highly industrialized, complex country, in an age of high complexity and risk.

But what does Bannon's objective of deconstruction accomplish?  Maybe he thinks it will reduce the deficit?  I don't know.  I do know that deconstruction will help the rich get richer and destroy the middle class.  We will find more problems like Flint, Michigan.

But truth is simple - plain and simple - deconstruction will wreck the fabric of society

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Not If, But How

There is beginning to be talk ad writing about how Trump might leave office before the end of his term.  There's impeachment, resignation and the 25th Amendment.  Interesting that this discussion is getting pretty widespread, including the mainstream (not the enemy of the American people BTW) media.
My bet is on resignation.  Trump won't want to be embarrassed or disgraced.  As the Russian connection is explored and revealed, possibly finally including revelations about his taxes and financial interest, I think Trump will find a reason to need to quit.
Meanwhile, Lt Gen McMaster sounds almost too good to be true - a much needed addition to the White House as National Security Advisor.  A huge relief to American security.  I wish him luck - if he can't contend with the factions, personal agendas and chaos in the White House, I doubt that anyone could.  Best of luck - he might be our hope for our security.
However, regarding Trump's Presidency, even though VP Pence is an arch conservative with many views abhorrent to me, I would prefer him to the current President who exhibits mental instability and undermines both trust in the office of the President and in American values.  Too bad Republicans can't find their ethics to put country over party, well, except for John McCain.
Now the question is, when?

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Bad Moon Rising

Various innuendoes of what is coming are beginning to show ugly hints foretending the future.
Today was a rally - something new Presidents have never done before and I gather that Melania began with the Lord's Prayer.  So much for the separation of church and state.  Whether the rally was to feed Trump's bottomless need for stroking his ego or for maintaining the enthusiasm of his base, a rally such as this promotes the personality of the President.
There is serious talk of expanding the "deportation force" and expanding categories of illegal immigrants that are to be targeted for deportation.
The President has declared that the press is "the enemy of thee American people" and that the press publishes "fake news", also known as lies.  He calls whistleblowers illegal leakers, and referred the matter to the Attorney General.
Trump has said that he will end crime and his Attorney General has lied about the level of crime in the country that he, along with the trump administration, will work to bring order back to the country.
Then there are Trump's disregard for the norms of the Presidency, such as releasing taxes and disclosing and divesting financial assets.  This disregard reflects distain for our fundamental values and, as the 31 year old senior policy advisor, Stephen Miller, declared, this President's "authority will not be questioned".
We have Steve Bannon, an avowed right winger whose goal is to deconstruct the very fabric of American democracy, sitting closest to the President.
I won't go into the developing issues of Russian influence on American government.

In summary, look at all these facts together and face the reality - that we are moving toward a level of authoritarian government that defies anything we have ever seen since the founding of the country.  This is not a Republican versus democrat issue.  This is a fight for American democracy.

Friday, February 17, 2017

Press Conference Clip

I just caught a snip from the press conference - I only saw it once - I wonder if the media are unwilling to scare Americans too much by running it more - or perhaps media fears the Russia factor. 
In any case, responding to the presence of a Russian spy ship just off the coast of Norfolk, VA, that had just sailed down from spying offshore toward the Connecticut coast guard station, Trump said that he could prove he was not in cohoots (my word) with Russia by blowing up their spy ship.
Congressional Republicans literally ran away from journalists after the press conference - they could not even bring themselves to make comments  - proving that at least these Congressional Republicans are not total idiots, but rather just stooges for a fool in the White House.  When will they come to their senses?  What the senate did do today was confirm Pruitt for EPA.  I wonder if he could be forced to resign next week when 33,000 pages of materials that he is being forced by the courts to release under sunshine laws that he has ignored for years.  Maybe he could break Flynn's record for a quick turn around.
When will Republicans take responsibility and do something?

Just Get Him Out Of There

Time to start discussing alternative exit solutions.  The country can survive intensely conservative policies but the country is at risk with Trump in the Presidency.
There is impeachment.  There is counseling him to resign - find an excuse like his businesses needing him.
Republicans need to take responsibility to exercise leadership for the sake of the country.
The Washington Post wrote about the cost of protecting the large jet setting First Family - protecting Don Jr and Ric travel around the world?.  The cost of protecting Melania and Barron in NYC alone is costing more than the entire annual budget of the National Endowment for the Arts.
Republicans need to fix this mess in a Constitutional way before we are in the streets every day or the military and intelligence communities are forced to act.  Don't turn the USA into a banana republic.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Fear and Sadness

I just came across this article - http://thehill.com/homenews/senate/319702-schumer-warns-of-possible-cover-up-by-trump-administration

Senator Schumer fears that the Trump administration will destroy materials detailing the  Russian connection.  yikes.  a very reasonable fear, given that the administration is full of lies and Trump himself creates an alternative reality with no regard for truth.  A thirty-one year old senior advisor Stephen Miller  announced that the President would not be questioned. 

Schumer is right.  We should be afraid, be very afraid.  This is going to be worse than Watergate.

I can't take pleasure in this level of governmental deconstruction.

No Use

Trump is seriously mentally disturbed.  whatever the technical diagnosis.  Blaming everyone but himself and his administration - press, judiciary, Democrats, Obama. 
Talking heads are trying to discern the purpose of his press conference, citing diversion from Flynn and the Russia story.  maybe some truth there.  But the very idea that there is method to his madness is equally diversionary.
The serious mainstream press needs to call out Trump lies for what they are, lies, no the reports are not fake news.
Where are the Republicans in Congress?  nowhere to be seen or heard.  Clearly, they are putting the Republican Party over national security.  2018 is when the Republicans will pay.  Let's just hope that the remaining hero among the Republicans, John McCain, can hold the country together long enough for sanity to return.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017


Very comforting that the US intelligence services have chosen to withhold information, both facts and methods, from President Trump.  Some US assets remain safe.
The facts are so obvious.  There is a Russian connection to the Trump campaign and administration. 
Then there are all the pro-Russian comments by Trump while he simultaneously severely criticized and dismissed the US intelligence services. 
And today, Trump called the most respected news media of the country - NY Times and Washington Post - fake news.  If not by name, he referred to media that ruined Flynn.  So of course he meant those two newspapers.  He blamed the press for Flynn being treated so badly.  And he blamed the democrats for Flynn's problems because they ran such a bad campaign - not that that comment makes an iota of sense.  .But Trump asked for Flynn's resignation. 
Well, Trump knew about Flynn's transgressions weeks before he asked for the resignation and only asked when the press brought the issue to light.  We can only presume Trump would have kept Flynn heading the national security community for however long Trump felt like it.  Clearly, Trump didn't mind that Flynn had Russian connections.
Why?  As I keep writing, we will never know until Trump's taxes and financial holdings are revealed.

When asked by a reporter - Israeli, I think - about anti-Semitism on the increase in the US, Trump answered by reminding him of his large Electoral College win and that he had Jewish friends and family.  Huh?

What is going on with Trump's thought processes.  Is it his ego? Or is it even worse - a more severe form of mental disturbance?

A week or so ago, the following would have been a story.  Now, it's small potatoes.  Jared Kushner's brother is arranging to buy the Miami Marlins baseball team.  It is under discussion (or already finalized? I'm not sure) n that the Trump administration is making the current Marlins owner Ambassador to Paris.  Quid pro quo to a new level, but small potatoes compared to the Russia story.

Resign Now

So Flynn talked to Putin about sanctions the day Obama implemented them.  Do you think he did this independently?
The FBI is investigating Trump and associates about their Russia contacts.  NYTimes reveals that four people from the Trump campaign talked with Russian intelligence operatives.
The FBI investigation continues.
Trump knew for two weeks that Flynn had potential to be blackmailed.  Trump only asked for Flynn's resignation when the Flynn story went public. 
Trump equates Putin's murdering opponents to the US as US "is not so innocent".
We still haven't seen Trump's taxes or financial disclosures.
Meanwhile, Trump ahs not nominated assistant or deputy secretaries for almost all cabinet departments. And now, with the Russia scandal, Trump and dangerous staff like Bannon, Conway and Miller, this chaotic administration is dead in the water.
Eventually, any Republican who wants to get reelected is going to agree to a nonpartisan investigation and our country will be at a standstill for months or years.
Trump needs to resign now.  Spare the USA another Watergate Presidency.

Monday, February 13, 2017

What Makes You Think.....

The Acting Attorney General, Sally Yates, told the White House that the National Security Advisor Flynn might be susceptible to Russian blackmail because of his violation of the Logan Act.  She told the White House before the Executive Order fiasco and her firing, allegedly for refusing to defend the EO in court.  So, the White House ahs known for weeks that Advisor Flynn lied to  Vice President Pence about discussing sanctions in December before taking office.
Hmm. So Flynn continues to serve in this key security post.  Presumably Trump himself has known that Flynn lied.  Why is Flynn still serving as security advisor?
Hmm.  Perhaps because Trump himself knew how Flynn was communicating with Russia about the Obama initiated sanctions before taking office?  Was trump involved in these discussions at the time?
What makes you think that Trump would be above this?  We already know that Trump has been acting like a Russian asset.  In a campaign speech he literally asked Russia to pursue hacking Hillary Clinton.
What all is the FBI investigating?  What will Attorney General Sessions, a core Trump supporter, do about it?
Constitutional crisis may come sooner than I originally thought.

Sunday, February 12, 2017


The diversion is so obvious, it's stupid.  The latest false claim of voter fraud is 50 bus loads brought from Massachusetts to vote in New Hampshire.  This follows the three thousand illegal immigrants who voted for Hillary Clinton. 
All the false claims divert form the real voting concern - Russian hacking.  It is actually a two0fer because in addition to diverting from Russian hacking, Trump-ites can make the false claim of the need for tighter voter id laws. 
But really, it all comes back to Russia and Trump.  It appears that National Security Advisor both broke the Logan Act - (by speaking as a private citizen, prior to taking office,with the Russian Ambassador about sanctions) - and then lied. about the conversation.  If he didn't lie, then  Vice President Pence lied when he told the press that there was no discussion about sanctions in that conversation.
And all that is on top of Trump's abundant expressions of preference for all things Putin and Russian while questioning the Western NATO Alliance. 
Maybe this will be the issue that eventually leads to Trump's impeachment or resignation.  But yes, the diversion about fake voter fraud has its objectives/.

Friday, February 10, 2017


She knew better.  she is a lawyer for heaven's sake.  She knew exactly what she was saying when she went on at some length advocating that the listeners buy Ivanka's clothes line.  So ask yourself why?  She is doing what the Trump team has been doing since campaign days.  They are testing limits. 

How far will public figures and the American electorate let them go?  Not release his taxes?  Sure!  Not reveal international holders of Trump loans? No problem.  Put Trump businesses in a fake pseudo-trust  (reversible, not irreversible, run by his family, under Trump's own Social Security number).  Not to worry.  Continuing to break the emoluments clause via the DC Trump hotel, if not more stuff.  Don't worry about it. 

This is about raw power.  Just like the Executive Order on immigration.  He expected no one would worry about the contents, so he bulled his way forward without consultation or consideration of what he was authorizing.  Then he defends the EO, saying security the Presidential prerogative.  But he didn't consult knowledgible officials and private sector experts on the impact of his EO.  If nothing else, he knows what a green card is but he signed that EO.  Sloppy and careless. 
So, he learned where there is a limit on executive power.  Most concerning is his carelessness with the foundation of American safety and jurisprudence.
Time for Congress to insist on release of his taxes and true divestiture. 

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Now What ?

One issue that the 9th Circuit Judges raised was what was the risk that precipitated the Executive Order.  The judges were willing to take such evidence under seal if it was such that it could not be publicly reveled.  The government presented no such evidence.
Trump has continued to talk about the need for this ban due to the risk of terrorism.  He has being saying that he wanted such a ban from early days of his campaign.  He has being saying this from the time before he received his first high level security briefing.  His most memorable campaign comment was that he wanted to ban Muslims entering the US "until we can figure out what the hell is going on".  Well, how could he have figured out anything when he had practically no high level staff and had been in office for about seven days?  Especially to promulgate such a vast reaching order as to include green card holders.
If Trump truly believes that there are suddenly circumstances that put American safety at immediate risk, then he has an obligation to draft action to address that risk.  If he chooses to wait out the judicial process, then he doesn't have much of an immediate concern.
My belief is that Trump glibly tried to fulfill a campaign promise by disrupting thousands of lives without legitimate legal foundation and damaging, perhaps irreperably, American relations with the broad Arab world.  He also lied about the extent of the impact in terms of numbers of people affected and he lied when he characterized the implementation as being smooth.
We can only be thankful that he learned a limit on Presidential power before his actions got any worse.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017


Senator McConnell silenced Senator Elizabeth Warren for reading a letter written by Coretta Scott King.  He used a technical procedural point - saying the letter maligned Senator Sessions, whose nomination was being debated.  An unbelievable exercise of power and censorship. 
Chaos is contagious.

Monday, February 6, 2017


Over the weekend, Trump declares the federal court judge to be "so-called" and then tells interviewer that the US is "not so innocent" in comparison to Putin killings of journalists. 

Whatever his motivation, he undermines faith in US federal government institutions and, thus, stability.

Why does he say these things?  Well, he isn't that stupid.  He has that much lack of self control in his personal expressions, perhaps with that much lack of understanding of the US Constitutional system.  He is acting like an authoritarian ruler and tht's where his enablers, Bannon and Conway, come in.

And his response to Putin's killings?  Could he possibly think that he and Putin will control the world together?  I don't think so.  The only alternative to that idea is that Trump owes Putin - that he has personal financial business debts to Putin and that Putin hacked Trump to elective victory.  As Malcolm Nance correctly says, Trump is Putin's asset.

The continued question is when will responsible Republicans, maybe so-called "responsible", intervene?  Probably after they get a SCOTUS, plus repeal of Dodd-Frank and repeal of Obamacare.  Then the Reps will hold Social Security and Medicare hostage or the Reps will dump him.  The Reps will have plenty of cause in his tax and hidden business interests and the emoluments issue.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

What Can I Say?

Nothing, if I might (NEVER!) work for Trump.  I did not know until this morning that Trump is requiring his employees - federal, not his personal businesses - to sign nondisclosure agreements (NDA's).  How would that function?  Does that mean a member of his staff can only say what Trump declares the staffer can say?    If nothing else, isn't there is a whistleblower law in place?  How does this fit with sunshine laws? 
NDA's reflect Trump's basic personal insecurities as well as a concern that revelations about his words or actions are in some way a negative reflection on himself or offensive to others.
The US government   - that's us tax payers - pays these stafffers salaries but Trump tries to make them more loyal to him personally than to the government they serve.

Answering the question about Putin as  "killer", Trump said the US is "not so innocent". 

The immigrant Executive Order has the administration proclaiming the need for security in a dangerous world - like no vetting process was in place.  As in other instances, the administration is ginning up fears without a basis in fact.

Now, all I am doing is documenting further evidence of a man with presidential authority who has serious mental disturbance.  Individual actions are problematic, but even more serious is the potential of what Trump might do.  I wonder about the full context of Senator McCain's conversation with the Australian ambassador.  Can you hear him saying, I'm sorry.  We know he has some personal issues. 

What circumstance will do Trump in?  How long will it take to remove Trump?  All we can do is call him out and protest and hope it ends before he wrecks our country.

Saturday, February 4, 2017

"So-called" Judge

Trump called the federal judge "so-called" when the judge didn't agree with Trump.  This erosion of the checks and balances of the governmental system designed by the US Constitution reflects Trump's authoritarian approach to governing and, maybe, his lack of understanding of American political science and history.  Whatever.  Trump chips away at the very foundation of American democracy.  Let's just pray for the democracy and work as actively as each individual can.

Friday, February 3, 2017

Liar Pants on Fire

Last Saturday, Press Secretary Spicer declared that the immigration Executive Order (EO) was affecting a mere 109 people.  In court today, responding to law suits attacking the EO, The Homeland security reps revealed that 60,000 visas had been cancelled and the Justice Department lawyers said that 100,000 visas were cancelled.  It was reported that the judge hearing the case gasped.
Last Friday night, when the EO was signed and subsequently, this visa cancellation component of EO remained secret.
Meanwhile, Homeland Security indicated that they were told to continue implementing the EO when courts declared parts of it unconstitutional last weekend - while the visa component was not even known.
So, now we know why Sally Yates, Acting Attorney General, refused to defend the EO last weekend, triggering her firing by Trump.
Late today, the entire EO was declared unconstitutional.  Those either 60,000 or 100,000 people affected cannot seek remedy until counselor offices open on Monday. 
We are moving toward presidential ignorance of the law.  That is called contempt of court.  Two weeks into this administration and already there is discussion of constitutional issues, putting it mildly.  Or might say Constitutional crisis. 
Trump simply does not understand how the government of the USA works.  Or, Trump thinks he can ignore the rule of law.  He has already done that  by filing to divest his wealth into a blind trust, hiring his son-in-law and allowing his cabinet nominees to work within the departments that they will lead if approved by the Senate.
Ignoring the law.  Trump will not last for a full term.  Any bets on when this administration will end?

Thursday, February 2, 2017

"I Fix Things"

The world is a mess and America needs to show some strength.  It's a mess and I'm going to get a little bit tough.  It's what I do, "I fix things".  Right, along with his more than five bankruptcies.
The USA and te planet are in terrible trouble.  Where are the checks and balances - that would be the Republican controlled Congress.  Pray for the appellate judges that Obama appointed - our only hope right now.  Republicans will pay a price at the ballot box for sure, whenever that happens.  Meanwhile, they will allow American position as a world leader to go into the toilet as the USA leads the world into world war III.  No joke, no hyperbole, no lie.  Be afraid.


Defense Department people are saying that Trump should not have approved the mission in Yemen because it wasn't properly vetted.  The Trump Administration says it was an Obama approved mission. 
State Department staff of one thousand have signed a decent cable over the immigration executive order.  Trump administration identified the seven countries as those named by Obama as most dangerous.
When judges overturned aspects of the immigration executive order, Trump told departments responsible for implementation to ignore the judge's order
Trump has threatened Mexican President with military action.

We have several points here -
when something goes wrong, Trump is blaming Obama 
career staff are protesting the actions of the chief executive
response to decent is urging that the staff quit
disagreements are met with threats
judge's order should be ignored

Clearly, the USA cannot be run this way for four years.  There will be Congressional elections in two years.  Eventually, Congressional Republicans will stop being yes people.  Surely, citizens will be in the streets until that happens.

The irony is that as Trump bullies about the USA's strength as a world power, that very strength and prestige diminishes.  The US is slowly creeping toward banana republic status with no friends.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Real Trouble

It has been reported that Trump had two absurd phone calls.  In one phone call, he threatened the Mexican President that the USA would invade Mexico.  In another call, with the Australian prime minister, after discussing immigration issues, Trump spoke about his electoral victory and hung up on the prime minister.
In the chaos over the Executive Order (EO) on immigration, among the various problems created by the EO, it may have been overlooked that, after the first judge in New York issued an order invalidating aspects of the EO, Trump directed the departments obliged to implement the EO to ignore the judge's directive.  This directive from the President is contrary to American jurisprudence.  Technically, this could be an impeachable offense. 
National Security Advisor, Michael Flynn, announced that he was putting Iran "on notice" because of a ballistic missile test.
Not only did Trump nominate a radically conservative judge, Neil Gorsuch, but then he told Senate leader, Mitch McConnell, to use the "nuclear option".  Why is the President openly tyring to tell the Senate leader what to do?  Of course, there has always been lobbying back and forth.  But openly telling the Senate leader what to do?
Yesterday, I wrote about process and content.  Here's the answer.  The process really matters.  The United States of America has a Constitution, laws and history.  Not only is Trump making decisions with bad content, but he is not upholding the process of governing.  I thought this would happen with a Trump Presidency, but I had no idea that it would begin so quickly.

The wheels are coming off the truck.

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Content and Process

Which is worse?  Content or process?

An executive order that resulted in the confiscation of legally held Green Cards and denial of legal remedies to people on American soil.  An executive order that denies fulfillment of promises to those who have assisted American military operations in Iraq and gives ammunition to ISIS as well as potential domestic terrorists.

An executive order written by a young 31 year old staffer without consulting at least two military Generals who have responsibility for the order's implementation or its impact.  Also, Congressional leaders of their own party were not informed or consulted. 

Then the administration's representatives blamed the selection of these seven countries as Obama's selection.  So much mention of Obama.

No wonder no one was able to implement the order is a manner worthy of the government of the USA.

When 100 State Department officials use their long established legal channel to object, the press secretary suggested that these State department long time staffers should resign. 

Then Trump fired the Acting Attorney General and the head of Immigration and Customs.  Trump ahd other remedies to represent his position in court without firing the Acting Attorney General. The ICE head was probably fired sso his involvement in implementation could be the one to blame for the administration's failure in the policy roll out.

Ultimately, before the nominee for Secretary of state was confirmed, with the next four top state officials gone (because Trump wanted them gone), with no consultation with all relevant government parties, why did Trump do this?  There was no urgency - an adequate vetting program was in place.  Did Trump ever even explore it? 

The USA is not a dictatorship.  This is a frightening beginning.  And we are heading to a Cnstitutional crisis faster than I ever thought

Monday, January 30, 2017

Biggest Danger

The most serious danger to the USA and world peace is Donald Trump. rump is President and he is in charge, no matter who in the White House writes or announces a decision as a directive or as staffing.

A 30 year old staffer. Steven Miller, wrote the executive order prohibiting refugees and limiting immigrants without consultation by the departments and agencies who would implement it.  Miller actually countermanded the clarification made by General John Kelly, head of Homeland Security, allowing green card holders back in the country.

Steve Bannon, former head of right wing Brietbart news, has been added to the sitting National Security Council, while the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Director  of National Intelligence Agency have both been excluded.

Trump is responsible for these actions.  Today, on tv, Trump said that the implementation of the exec order was smooth and any problems related to the weekend were about the Delta power outage (which happened a couple days after the order was announced).  The poor communication was a media problem.  More lies. 

Then there are the gaps that indicate generally poor management practices in the White House,ie, leaving mention of Jews out of the Holocaust Remembrance Day statement and misspelling the name of British Prime Minister, Theresa May.

Then there is the dominance of the right wing supporters in the White House.

Then there are the cabinet nominees.  Deplorable backgrounds, many without any legitimate experience in government or the area they are designated to lead.  Or a desire to eliminate the area they are designated to lead.

Trump is responsible.  He has demonstrable mental limitations.  And he is seventy years old.  He already looks worn down with a puffy face.  One way or another, we will have a Constitutional crisis - I predict within two years.  Probably Trump will decide to find an excuse to resign.  We can only hope it happens sooner rather than later.

rump is responsible for all.

Saturday, January 28, 2017


No secretary of state in place, top four officials at State Dept have been fired.  Perfect time to shut down entry into the country for immigrants and refugees.  Some are trapped at American airports; some are sitting in foreign airports.  Homeland Security didn't get implementation instructions.  You know, Trump likes the element of surprise.  He is behaving like a dictator.  No input from long standing members of agencies who know how things work.  Keep out people with green cards whose home is the USA.  Offend foreign governments - Iran has already banned Americans form their country in response to Trump's order.   

Chaos.  Repubicans are muttering about how, well, maybe the roll out is sloppy, but we need to have secure borders, etc.  Blah Blah Blah  Like Trump arrived and nothing was working before he descended upon the US government. 

I am beginning to have second thoughts.  The new governing cadre - should I say junta? - well, just let them implode into a pyre of self destruction.  But of course, we must continue to resist.  The world must hear that there is some sanity in the USA. 

Friday, January 27, 2017

First Person Pronoun

"I" will institute taxes on goods coming into the country.  "I will allow General Matis to override me"" on torture.  Not to mention his blatant threat to "take the oil" from Iran.

Trump is atributing unilateral power to himself.  I question if he realizes what the roles of the various branches of government are. And that best  decisions are made in consultation.  Especially this torture thing - just what could Trump, personally, possibly know about the value or not of torture!  Just another sign of the megalomania that the world is facing.

He was actually prepared to send the National Guard into Chicago.  Again, unilaterally.  No discussion with the Governor of Illinois nor the Mayor of Chicago.  He thinks he can just do this!

Gorbachev just wrote an op ed indicating that he sees the world moving toward war.  He is right.  Trump is questioning the UN and NATO, picking a needless fight with our neighbor, Mexico. 

Maybe even worse, if that's possible, is that all of this bullying is based on his view that the USA, richest, most successful nation in the world, is being pushed around economically by other nations!  Now that sounds like pre-World War II Germany.  At least Germany had a complaint based in reality, ie., the harsh terms of the Versailles Treaty.  Trump is concocting a down trodden, beat upon image of the USA that is a lie.  This bizarre leadership can translate into a fascist power grab.  Perhaps his only reason for this endless criticism is that he can later try to say he rescued the USA.  Except tht he will actually bring back the "Ugly American", ruin our goodwill around the world and very possibly initiate yet another war.

And this is only Week One.


Here's the thing.  Negotiating in business is to get the best deal, make the most money, basically win.  Trump might be able to do that, although his bankruptcies even question that.  But I digress.

In international diplomacy, the goal is not to win but to develop mutually beneficial relationships that contribute to a stable world at peace.  IMHO  Bottom line - Trump doesn't have a clue.  He does not indicate that he has any notion that the USA is the strongest most powerful country in the world.  He has no concept at all.

He is behaving like he does about his perception of his popularity - like an insecure, inferior player.  He does not recognize that the USA cannot expect other countries, all more vulnerable one way or another, to conceded that they should give special benefits to the wealthiest nation on the planet. 

The USA has vast responsibilities that Trump dismisses.  Prime example is NATO.  A more modest issue is contributing to health initiatives in other countries that he ahs already ended because of their stances on abortion - but he also took away contributions for HIV and zika.  The notion of taking the oil from Iraq - besides being contrary to international law - why steal from a nation with vast vulnerabilities?

Maybe our best hope is that he doesn't have a clue and we can hope he won't accomplish any of his absurd, unethical, immoral goals.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Mental Reality

Trump is making a huge deal about his popularity - the size of the inaugural crowd, the reality of the popular vote.  Regarding the vote, he went so far as to discuss initiating  formal governmental investigation into his allegation of illegal voter fraud - that he declared had all voted for his opponent!  He constantly talks about his ratings in the polls
Here's the thing.  A really sane person would try to hide their true egomania.  Why would anyone want the world to see the extent of their egotism?  Who would reveal that their fundamental top priority is how the world views them?  Someone who is dense, oblivious and ultimately totally vulnerable to anyone who challenges his sense of self.


Playing with Toys

Trump seems to act like that's what he's doing.  Playing with toys.  How would he know whether or not torture works?  Take the oil!  How in the world would that be done, practically speaking? Not to mention the illegality of it.  But who cares? Sure! Take the oil.  Nuclear weapons?  Sure!  Use 'em.  Make a foreign country pay for something he wants? Sure! Throw out the experienced hands with institutional memory who know how to deal with the various aspects of international relations?  Fire 'em!
Megalomania.  His "team" are actually enablers.  Paul Ryan will play with Trump as long as he can.

What You Wish For

Be Careful!  Imagine - a big investigation in voter fraud in the 2016 Presidential Election.  What would trump do if he was informed of a result that Clinton's votes were somehow undercounted?  What would he do with that?  What would the USA do with that?  If we discovered we had installed the wrong person as President!  Let's take it a step further.  So Trump gets results of his investigation that he doesn't like - would he suppress the results?  And where would that take him?

Pul Ryan Sold His Soul

Yes, Paul Ryan has sold his soul.  When interviewed, he has a smirk and an almost giddy laugh, trying to justify Trump's activities.  Well, he says, somehow we will get payment from Mexico, some alternative way.  Kind of like Kellyanne's "alternative facts".
So Ryan wants a conservative SCOTUS and evisceration of Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security.  Then what?  Ryan and his "conservative principles".  He is not stupid.  He knows Trump is off the reservation and pursuing personal aggrandisement without any regard for consensus, even in the Republican Party.  But Ryan laughs along, hoping he will get what he wants.  Maybe it will turn out for him like it did for Chris Christie who sold his soul, maybe not.
Either way,  Paul Ryan has sold his soul.  Eventually, Republicans will pay.

International Fiasco

I planned to write about the Mexican President's response to Trump's orders to build the wall and to remove funding from Sanctuary Cities.  Whether either will happen is still a debate - the funding for the wall needs to be arranged, if not allocated by law, and the US Constitution prevents the federal government from using the states to its work.  So maybe neither will happen, hopefully. 
But the point of my writing was to be the Mexican President's response - which is to offer legal assistance through its 50 consulates to immigrants who need it.  And his planned visit next week to the US is no longer likely to happen.

In the meantime, equally bad, or possibly worse, Trump is working on another Executive Order to diminish US financial contributions to UN and to UN peace keeping missions.  If Trump thinks he can improve the world by withdrawing the US from it international leadership, this notion simply proves that Trump knows nothing about the history of the past century. 

Well, Trump is making the job of the Democratic Party a bit easier.  I hope he isn't too destructive during the coming years.  Even a Republican pundit has expressed his belief that trump would be impeached - if the Democrats win a majority in the midterms.

Either way, the coming turmoil - Trump Carnage - will make for a rough ride for at least a couple years. 

The United States of America has lost its way

.A quick word about Voice of America, the radio network that fought Communism by piping eal news behind the old Iron Curtain.  Its funding was included in the comprehensive defense funding bill, so Obama had to sign it, the VOA piece with reservation.  But the bill changed its leadership from a board of bipartisan governors to Presidential appointees AND allowed it to broadcast in the USA.   To run it, Trump has already appointed a couple 20-something eyar olds who worked on his campaign.  Think about it - with the instigation of the Republican Party, Trump ahs created a domestic propaganda arm.  Fortunately, radio isn't the most important contemporary emdia, but still, this is fascism in the making.

Another final word.  The Dow hit 20,000 yesterday.  It may still rise further for a while - the money grubbers are happy about corporate tax reductions and end of regulations, not to mention encouraging fossil fuels and banking deregulation.  I don't want to make profits from these ruinous moves.  And, anyway,  I guarantee that a crash will come, either from a Constitutional or international crisis.  20,000 or otherwise, trouble is coming.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017


He wants a major investigation of voter fraud in two states - let's guess which ones.  California for sure.  I guess he could make the Justice Dept do it - maybe a good thing - it would totally debunk the conservative state efforts at voter suppression through voter id laws.
Of course, he's only doing it because his press secretary got peppered with media questions about why Trump "believes" there was voter fraud.  After all, in Trump's mind, he can never be wrong.

Meanwhile, he is tweeting about "sending the feds" in to Chicago to fight the "carnage".   Well, Ike sent the 101st Airborne to desegregate Little Rock schools, but under what circumstances does the President have the authority.  Mayor Emmanuel had the right answer - sure, send in the federal dollars for after school, job and prevention programs.

An insightful point - Jared Kushner a sane voice that can reach Trump was not available on Saturday when Trump went off the rails.  Kushner is Orthodox and was observing the Sabbath.  What a problem that the country needs to rely on the President's son-in-law for sanity in government.


Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Next Up - Importing Labor

Trumps says we are building factories in US "bigly".  Bringing manufacturing - all sorts of industries - back to US.  In addition to added costs passed on to the retail consumer, resulting in inflation, there is the issue of labor.  US is at 4.7% unemployment.  Where is he going to get the labor for all these factories? IMPORTED LABOR! 
Net result - inflation and imported labor - financial and immigration problems -DESTABILIZING
What an idiot

Surrounded by White Men

the look of the news administration.  There he was.  Trump was signing the "gag law".  This law is usually enacted by Republicans and rescinded by democrats.  It prevents the US from providing any funds to foreign nonprofits, or other entities, that offer so much as a discussion of abortion or family planning.
Cecile Richards, Planned Parenthood Exec, explained that trump's version goes even further and precludes funding for HIV, Zika virus as well.  The HIV and Zik piece is new to Trump's version of the law.
The ultimate irony is that Trump was surrounded by white men as he signed away help for much fo the world of color - and, of course, of need.  In front of his new gold drapes.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Trump Profits from Inflation

So Trump is going after foreign trade treaties.  OK, manufacture here in the US and retail prices will go up to defray the higher production costs.  OK, impose import taxes on goods made outside the US and that cost will be passed on, so retail prices go up.  Result?  Inflation.  Who benefits from inflation?  Certainly not the individual, rather the corporate world.  Inflation will fuel higher interest rates.   So who would benefit most from inflation?  Banks will benefit from higher interest rates and inflation will benefit a real estate (supposed) mogul.
In fact, Trump has already raised interest rates on FHA mortgages.  Who will benefit from that?  Certainly not the home owner.  And if wages don't rise, inflation will hurt the working person.  And,a after all, how will Trump get the unemployment rate below the current 4.7%?  As always, sincere thanks to President Obama!

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Alternate Facts

Kellyanne Conway has alternate facts.  She swore by them through her phoney smile.  I thought Chuck Todd on Meet the Press would have a stroke.  There are facts and lies, not alternative facts.

Shawn Spicer, spokesman for Trump, has  been declaring alternate attendance figures at both the inauguration and the Women's March. 

Alternate facts plus dismissal of the media as conveyors of truth might enhance Trump's view of himself, but both - plain and simple - mislead the population, especially the people who don't make a career of following every word and action of the President. 

Alternate facts and disparagement of the media are the nourishment for totalitarian regimes. 

My Problem

Well, I have more than one problem, that's for sure.  but at the moment, my problem is that I cannot bear to listen to Donald Trump.  I read most of his speech t the CIA, apparently unscripted, and a self-referential aggrandizement in front of their revered Wall of Stars.  I have read selected comments have his Inaugural Speech.
At a gut level, I cannot listen to someone with such deep seeded emotional troubles.  Every speech, one or another, reflects his lack of knowledge of history and lack of leadership in public life.  Not to mention outright lies.
Each speech confirms that our new President is narcissistic and self centered, fixated on his popularity as reflected in how many votes he received in the election.
Somehow, concerned citizens and the media need to focus on the content, not the ephemeral antics.  While he is blabbing about himself, his "government" is taking serious, incomprehensible steps.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Trump Carnage

First action - sign an Executive Order allowing the federal government to rescind steps in the ACA healthcare law.  No one seems to know what that means.  Sounds like ways to undermine the law.  OK - just remember who caused the law's failure - Trump.  Don't let Ryan and Republicans blame Democrats - Trump destabilized the provisions of the law.

Next. - Raise interest rates on FHA home mortgages raising monthly mortgage payments.
plus delaying judicial action on the discriminatory Texas voter id law.

Think about that if you voted for Trump carnage.

Injustice Already

A suit brought by the US Dept of Justice against the Texas voter id law - toughest in the nation - was due for a final hearing after reaching US appellate court.  First Trump administration action was to delay the hearing for a month.  The question is why not let the justice staffers represent the US at the hearing and get rid of the law?  Because once Jeff sessions is in place, the US will withdraw from the suit.  Bottom line - donate to the southern Poverty Law Center because the Justice Dept Civil Rihgts Division isn't going to do crap.

Meanwhile, there is no indication that Trump has divested any of his holdings.

And "American Carnage stops here and now"?  Hyperbolic, insulting nonsense at every level.  "American carnage" ignores the facts and as to stopping here and now, ineffectual insulting garbage.

Resist at every opportunity.

Friday, January 20, 2017


Yes, that's my conclusion.  For many reasons.  First, there is the Russian interference, which is under serious investigation as to its extent.  Then there is the popular vote, with Clinton gaining 2%, almost 3 million votes, more than Trump.  Then there is FBI Director Comey's interference in the campaigns. And, finally, there are Trump's lies and his flaunting of campaign norms of releasing his tax returns and divesting his holdings.  No he is not legitimate.
Yes, he won the Electoral College vote.  And perhaps we must play out this obscene charade and of democracy by rule of law. 
If Trump wanted to bring the country together and move us forward, he would have managed his transition entirely the opposite of what he's done.  But, no.  This is continuing his illegitimate power grab. 
We will have a Constitutional crisis within two years.  If the country and planet survive long enough.  What a rpice the Republicans have paid for power.

Thursday, January 19, 2017


The American people have some sense.  Trump's favorability in the most recent poll is at 32%.  No President has had an unfavorable - less than 50% - on the eve off his inauguration.
Hopefully, this will be more meaningful to Trump than his tweeting nonsense leads us to believe.

Will he, wisely,  allow the 17 agency investigation into Russian involvement in influencing his victory to continue?  Our first Constitutional crisis, like with Nixon. 

He gets control of nuclear codes tomorrow. 

God help save our country and the planet.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Thank You, Senator Olympia Snow !

I have read that Senator Snow suggested recommended allowing states to decide on their health insurance plan, ie., they could keep if they wished or develop the individual state's plan.  Brilliant!  At least it would appease the insane repealers while actually allowing the ACA to survive.  What state would want to develop their own plan?  Even if the state did develop their own, at least we are paring down the level of damage.
Way To Go, senator Snow!

Tuesday, January 17, 2017


Some Congress members are not going to attend the Presidential Inauguration.  They are talking about Trump's "illegitimacy".  The alternate argument, ie, to attend the event, is the celebration of the peaceful transfer of power.  Also, I suspect, that the former Presidents and their First Ladies may be attending to provide a sense of support to Trump - support that Trump could feel willing to reach out to when (not if) he gets himself into trouble and, someone with Trump's ego and desire for retribution would only reach out if he felt an absolute sense of support.  The former Presidents would want to be available and accessible to help when it becomes necessary.

Other than that, this is not an inauguration as usual.  Trump goes beyond presenting new ideas.  This is not about a change of party in control.  There are the open issues - Russian involvement in the election and Trump's role in it, Trump's finances, his lies, his demonstrated lack of knowledge of government working and international affairs and history and, finally, his personal characteristics of egotism and vindictiveness.  And he surrounds himself with inexperienced extremists.  f course he disparages and distances the media - they might reveal just how lacking in relevant knowledge and how self-absorbed he really is. 

From his interview with The London Times, his answers were shocking.  When asked who - in all of world history - were his heroes, his reply was that his father was a good salesman and then Trump rambled on at length about himself.  When they asked if he could understand why the Balkan states were fearful of Putin and Russia, Trump talked about how NATO was obsolete.  Never even mentioned Russia. I see two possible reasons for these replies - he did not know the real answers, ie, some thought about what makes a person have characteristics or accomplishments that allowed them to be considered a hero or what the issues of the Balkan states are as former Soviet dominated countries, so he obfuscated.  Or he is so egotistical or insecure that he chooses to talk about himself.

Either way, it is terrifying.

Then there is his John  Lewis tweet.  "No action"?  That tweet was just plain stupid on every level - lacking knowledge and lacking any sensible tactics, if not basic human respect.

I truly believe that there is no help for this man who will be President.  Every ounce of energy must be used in Resistance.  I hope that the Russia connection will lead to an impeachment - soon, before he makes a terrible mess. 

I will be spending Inauguration Day at a Resistance Rally in Philadelphia.

Monday, January 16, 2017


Let's not forget! The only reason Republicans are talking about health insurance is because passage of the Affordable Care Act has forced them to concede that the USA needs to make sure that the populace ahs access to healthcare.  President Obama made that happen.  Whatever comes next, Obama changed the debate to how to provide health insurance, not if there should be health insurance available to most everyerone.
The big question si what the Republicans want to do.  The more I hear (particularly through Ryan, along with his alternative to Planned Parenthood) sounds like block grants for "community health clinics".  Clinics which may or may not exist or be located conveniently or be staffed with qualified doctors and professionals.  Not to mention the potential lack of choice for the healthcare consumer.
Yesterday, Trump proclaimed his soon to be revealed plan - coverage  for everyone!  And the only detail that he mentioned was having drug companies negotiate with the government over prices through Medicare and Medicaid.
Great, let Trump and the Republicans fight over their plans.  They break Obamacare, they own it.
Overall, the democratic Party will make big gains in 2018, if we can hold out.  The Republicans will pay for their radical and rude strategies.  Time for the democrats to fight like Republicans.
BTW, contrary to precedent and decency, when Senator Booker and Congressman Lewis testified against sessions, they were made to wait until the end of all the others who testified.  That meant that they were forced to spend the day waiting - when they could have gotten some real work done - if they were scheduled earlier on, which ahs been the normal practice in Congress.  Politics is going to have to be nasty for the foreseeable future.

Friday, January 13, 2017


The now famous unverified dossier includes the statement that the Kremlin has been providing Trump with information on his opponents.  Unverified.
This entire dossier was provided to the FBI by its creator, a British ex-MI6 agent, last summer.  This ex-MI6 agent is believed to be extremely professional and reliable.  He built this file first while paid by Republican opponents of Trump for the nomination and later by some Democrats after Trump had the nomination.
The FBI Director Comey testified privately to the Congressional Intelligence committee today and, as Democrats exited, the expressed fury but were unable to talk about it.  Publicly, Comey refused to answer anything about any possible investigation as the policy being never to comment on any investigation or non-investigation.  Senator Alfonso King of Maine just responded with incredulity,  after Comey publicly made pronouncements about investigations o Hillary Clinton.
Meanwhile, Trump says isn't it better that Putin likes him?
If Trump's campaign actually got information from the Russian government, that would break the Logan Act which prevents that very activity.
This morning, the Intelligence Committee head was refusing to open an investigation.  Tonight, that has changed and there will be an investigation by the House Intelligence Committee.
Meanwhile, Trump's approval rating is %.
I don't need to editorialize.  Facts say more than I could.