Wednesday, May 10, 2017


Trump must have a lot to fear.  He isn't that stupid.  Comey's firing is a huge step motivated in an instant as diversion from the Yates and Clapper testimony.  Trump's letter is evidence of the long term motivation - Trump's claim that Comey told Trump three times that Trump was not investigated for a Russia connection. 
But Trump is ignorant of US Constitutional government.  His self-interest directs his actions, not Constitutional law. 
Now is not the time to muddle over whether there should be an independent investigation.
There are many questions of Presidential adherence to the US Constitution - Trump's taxes, the emoluments issues, the family involvement - that are in plain sight. 
The Republican Party has made a deal with the devil - the GOP accomplishes their conservative goals while the ethical Republicans hold their collective noses s they watch Trump trample on their conservative Constitutional values.  Time for the Republican Party to quit the deal and put the Constitution first.

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