Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Get Him Out of There

It doesn't matter why he did it. He shared intelligence with Russian officials. What he did is wrong and displays unbelievable lack of judgment. This business of being the de-classifier-in-chief is just so much crap. The United States of America is a country run by laws of a stable government. He damaged the country's security now and in the future by dismissing a belief that the USA treats intelligence securely. End of discussion. Next topic - how to get him out of the Presidency. For now, getting him out of office is up to the Republican leadership by either beginning impeachment proceedings, implementing the 25th Amendment or getting him to resign. Time for the Republican leadership to step up. I'm waiting.

Trump + Intelligence

Actually, using the word intelligence in the same sentence as Trump is oxymoronic.
That said, recent reveals boggle the mind.  Apparently the door to the Oval is open and any staff can slip fake news reports among Trump's reading materials.  This method of providing him with fake news apparently is how he got the bug up his butt about Obama wiring Trump Tower.  Tht says all about the potential damage from this practice.
At the same time, he has directed that his written intelligence briefings get briefer.  Instead of three pages of paragraphs, he has directed that he wants one page of bullet points. Obviously, details and any subtleties will be lost.
There are multiple investigations into Trump and Russian collusion.  The Trump investigations are looking at his empire's finances.  There have been rumblings about Trump's use of his Atlantic City casinos for money laundering in the past.  There is Eric Trump's claim a few years ago that the Trump enterprises get all the money they need from Russia.
We hear accounts of Trump screaming at television sets and his emphasis on finding leakers, usually at the expense of the distressing content that those leaks have revealed.
Finally, there is the obvious chronology of events: Yates tells White House lawyer McGahn about the risk that Flynn could be blackmailed by Russia.  A couple days later she is fired.  Flynn continues to participate in top secret intelligence and is fired 18 days later for a lie to the Vice President.  Then FBI Director Comey revealed the criminal investigation into the Russian issues and the Congressman Nunes' contratemp ensued.  Then Yates testified as to what she told McGahn and Comey was fired a day later.  And a day later, the Russian foreign minister and ambassador were in the Oval.
The Russian Oval meeting was joined by Russian Press photographer but no American media.  It turns out that Trump revealed such highly classified info that intelligence staff literally left the meeting to immediately call the CIA and NSA, which is how these facts made their way into the American press. 
Trump'sfailing fall into two categories.  First is the general chaos, lack of knowledge and skill in Presidential management and respect for historical precedents plus his outright lies.  But  the worst is his inability to maintain the secrecy of intelligence.
This is a picture of total incompetence and risk to this country.  The Republican Party controls both houses of Congress.  Trump is their President.  It's all up to the Republican leadership.  The country does not need to spend two years of investigations which will goad Trump.   into ever greater levels of chaos. Simultaneously, the impeachment process will drag out as the country's government grinds to a halt or worse. 
The Republican leadership needs to step up and get Trump to resign.  Or to initiate proceedings under the 25th Amendment.
The time is now.

Monday, May 15, 2017

End of Presidency - Secrets Revealed

Trump did a terrible thing, revealing highly classified info to an adversary. Either Trump is a stupid blabbermouth or he is in collusion with Russia. He shared info with Russia the day after he fired the FBI Director. And before that, Yates testified about the Flynn Russia connection. Simple facts. Before the classified info was revealed, the investigation of Russian hacking and collusion marched along at a normal pace. Now that highly classified info was revealed by the President of the US to an adversary, this event needs immediate response. We cannot have a President who can reveal top secret information. The Republican Party controls Congress - it is up to their leadership to take immediate action. Or time to implement the 25th Amendment. The world moves quickly in 2017. No time for a year long investigation or impeachment process. While the President has the proven ability to reveal highly classified info.  Action needed now.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017


Trump must have a lot to fear.  He isn't that stupid.  Comey's firing is a huge step motivated in an instant as diversion from the Yates and Clapper testimony.  Trump's letter is evidence of the long term motivation - Trump's claim that Comey told Trump three times that Trump was not investigated for a Russia connection. 
But Trump is ignorant of US Constitutional government.  His self-interest directs his actions, not Constitutional law. 
Now is not the time to muddle over whether there should be an independent investigation.
There are many questions of Presidential adherence to the US Constitution - Trump's taxes, the emoluments issues, the family involvement - that are in plain sight. 
The Republican Party has made a deal with the devil - the GOP accomplishes their conservative goals while the ethical Republicans hold their collective noses s they watch Trump trample on their conservative Constitutional values.  Time for the Republican Party to quit the deal and put the Constitution first.