Saturday, June 25, 2016

Simple Dishonesty

The European and American wave of discontent and anger has a legitimate and complex basis, but the leaders who reach into these feelings offer phony solutions. 

A perfect example came with Brexit.  Leave advertisements asserted that leaving the European Union would result in 350 Million Pounds - Per Week ! - going into the British National Health Service.  The very day after the election, as the results of the referendum were being announced, the Leave leader admitted that the Leave advertisement was untrue.

The world is in turmoil - the threat of terrorism, the ramifications of globalism, economic uncertainty, among others - and it leads the individual to feeling that his or her life is out of their own control.   People look for reasons and answers for their legitimate anxieties and anger. 

Enter the newly arrived pseudo-leaders, like Donald trump and Boris Johnson, who tap into these feelings.  I can't comment on their personal motivations, but the Brexit ad promise is classic example of their tactics.  Phony Promises.  Just like Trump's wall - something that will never happen and, even if it did, it would not be a solution for the problem it identifies.

So, the answer to globalism is to close the borders and turn inward, here and in Britain. 

Does no one study history?  As Germany fell into depression in the 1930's, Hitler tapped into the country's fears - to restore Germany's greatness.  Without repeating the dreadful history of those decades, my point is that Hitler tapped into the fears and xenophobic instincts of the populace.  Eventually, the world was drawn into a war that resulted in 60 million deaths. 

Post World War II trends have continued to react to that world war by connecting nations so that another such horror would not happen again.  Suddenly, populations in Europe and the United States are looking inward.  Now the "other" includes Moslems, Africans, Latin Americans.  And these pseudo-leaders tap into the fear of the "other".

But the solution isn't to bring back the past.  Get rid of airplanes?  Internet?  All the things that connect everyone everywhere and also gives everyone the hope to aspire to something better just as they face economic instability.  The answer is moving forward, not trying to recreate a past that will never return.

 A good simple example - the coal miners whose jobs are disappearing.  The answer isn't to bring back their tough dangerous outdated job. The answer is to retrain the miners and find new jobs for them in industries like solar energy.  This exemplifies the difference between the liberal and conservative approaches.  Bring back coal mines or develop solar energy.  It's really that simple.

Don't fall for phony solutions.

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