Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Why These Accusations?

Actually, Trump didn't accuse - he stated that Hillary Clinton used the US Department of state as her personal hedge fund and took "cash" from the department.  Why?  Because investigative journalists are circling around Trump's financial shenanigans.  Talk of paying his adult children and his businesses from his campaign cash. His charitable contributions that can't be identified.  His multiple bankruptcies.   His refusal to release his tax returns.
So, why his accusations?  Deflection.

A little postscript.  During a one-on-one sit down interview with NBC by Lester Holt, Trump, looking very uncomfortable as he sat on the edge of his chair, Holt persisted in asking Trump how he knew Hillary was asleep as the Bengazi crisis developed.  After persistence, from Holt, Trump admitted that because she was home so she was "probably" asleep.  His public bluster was just his guess.  And, when Holt asked Trump about the SCOTUS decision on immigration that was released that very morning, Trump mumbled and asked Holt to tell him more.  When Holt didn't bail Trump out with a description of the SCOTUS opinion, all Trump could do was say, "I'll get back to you on that."  Imagine Trump saying, "I'll get back to you on that" while in the White House Sit Room.  Sure.

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