Sunday, July 3, 2016

Party or Country ?

That is what is comes down to.  Trump would be a disaster for the Untied states of America.  actually, he already is.  His presumptive candidacy has resulted in a total absence of a serious discussion of the issues facing the country.  Instead, he lobs insults and lies.

Trump's rise is the fault of the Republican Party.  Responsible, serious Republicans gave silent nods to his mouthing off since 2012 with the start of his accusation that Obama was foreign born.  Then, he continued his insults, like calling current leaders stupid and worse.  Again, serious Republicans looked the other way.

Then the Republican Party held a primary with 17 candidates.  So no one candidate emerged with a majority.  The Party could have taken steps to shape the field and the race.  In a field of three, four or even five, a reasonable candidate would have emerged.  But no, they let Trump continue on until he gained a plurality.

The Republican Party created this irresponsible candidate who knows nothing of governing nor foreign affairs.

The Republican Party created this mess.  Why aren't they willing to fix it? 

Or, is the Party willing to wait until Trump orders the military to commit war crimes?  When he tries to default on the US debt?  Refuses to pay back the principle on the average citizen's US Treasury bonds?  Then what?  Impeachment? 

Watch who Trump selects for Vice President - he could very well become President when Trump is impeached.  Or, Trump just gets bored or can't take the heat.

The Republican Party needs to fix this.

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