Thursday, July 21, 2016

Think About It

The Republicans pursued President bill Clinton relentlessly - literally to impeachment over a personal sexual infidelity.  Republicans declared President Barak Obama an illegitimate President due to his place of birth (inaccurately) and openly stated their objective of obstructing the goals of his Presidency.  Now Republicans are setting up Hillary Clinton to be a "criminal" President. 

Has the Democratic Party EVER questioned the legitimacy of the Presidencies of Reagan, George HW Bush or George W Bush?  NO  Did the Democratic Party ever seriously beat up up Bush 43 because of 9/11?  NO!

I read a quote from Bush 43 that he thinks he might be the last Republican President!

WHY?  Perhaps because the so-called principles of the Republican Party are hopelessly bereft ideas held by an elite minority.  Whatever the reason, the ethics of the Republican Party are disgusting and contrary to the foundation and growth of the USA

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