Sunday, July 31, 2016

Truth Or Lies

What a Weekend!
First, well actually in no particular order, we have Trump declaring that the NFL ahs sent him a letter protesting the dates for the dabates because two of the three fal on the same nights as nationally televised games.  The NFL declared that it ahd sent no such letter.
Then Trump declared that Russia had not interfered in Ukraine territory.  We all know that in fct, that have taken over Crimea.  Let's give Trump the benefit of the doubt, perhaps Trump doesn't know that was part of Ukraine.  Over 100 countries are protesting Russia's annexation of Crimea.  But Trump doesn't know that.
Finally, at least this time Trump phrased his latest absurdity as conjecture, maybe Mrs Khan wasn't permitted by her husband to speak.

Just this weekend!  Until recently, I truly felt that Trump was basically manipulative, that he knew what he was saying as to its truth, falsehood, rationale, etc.  Not anymore.  Trump is floundering for words to say.  Anything to combat what has already been stated.  He is both without knowledge and insight.  And when he can't find lies with words of content, he resorts to name calling.

And his comments are downright stupid, often against his true self interest.  He encouraged Russia to hack Clinton's emails.  Of course, later denying it.  But the point is that he is building up a dossier against himself of words in support of Russia.  Then his son says the Trump complex gets loans from Russia.  Then Trump won't release his tax returns.  You can't make this stuff up.

More stupidity - how could he equate his work in business as any kind of  sacrifice at all, let alone as the Khan's very real sacrifice, whose son was killed in Iran. 

As a pundit said on msnbc this weekend, you better believe every journalist in the USA, maybe the in the world, is trying to get the scoop that will reveal the truth of this.  I add, they will get a Pulitzer, whoever succeeds.

Already everyone is predicting that he will manipulate his way out of the presidential debates.  His initial foray into this effort was stupid - the dates were set by a bipartisan commission a year ago, taking into account everything from federal and religious holidays to baseball playoffs.  But not good enough for Trump.

Tony Schwartz, who ghost wrote Trump's Art of the deal, is right.  Trump is a sociopath.  He is ultimately dangerous.  Were he to become President, I would quickly make bets on when he would be impeached.  A sure bet, but we can't put the nation through that.

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