Monday, August 1, 2016

Here's a Link

Max Boot says it better than me.  here's the link:

My criticisms of Donald Trump are reiterated in his article "How the Stupid Party Created Donald Trump".  But Boot, an advisor to Republican Presidential candidates, added an observation that enlightened me.  He posits that the Republican Party, going back to the 1950's, have attempted to present themselves as the easy, average anti-intellectuals while Democrats are the party of elite intellectuals.  (Remember Nixon's "silent majority" and Reagan's folksy speeches? )  While at the same time, Republicans used those same intellectual elite as their own advisors and support staff from Harvard.  This anti-intellectualism was the beginnings of the Tea Party.  And the Tea Party decided to disparage the government and de-legitimize its leaders. 

So Trump can present himself a man of the people and imply that his lack of grounding in details of both domestic and foreign policies is an advantage.  Not only is that NOT an actual advantage, it is not even in sync with the real foundations of the party he claims to represent. 

Bottom line, IMHO, as I have written before, the Republican Party  should reform the mess that they created.  Actually, who knows?  If the Republicans do not fix this, it looks like Trump could kill their party.

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