Thursday, August 4, 2016


Suddenly I find myself feeling a bit better about the state of the Presidential election.  Hmmm.  Why could that be?  I finally realize what has sent me over the edge about Donald Trump.  It's not any one of his policies or his attacks on individual politicians and the government itself.  Although I do see the frightening destructiveness of trashing these very foundations of our system of government.

The problem has been my awareness for many months that someone with mental impairment is seriously running for President and the mainstream media's unwillingness to address this problem.  At first, trump was portrayed as a joke, then if not a joke, at least benign. 

FINALLY!  He is being seen for what he actually is.  A man with some form of mental impairment and severe limitations in his ability to fulfill the responsibilities of the Presidency.  Trump sees it too.  Unfortunately, his response is now to declare the election to be "rigged".  Once again, setting up the opportunity for his blind followers to dismiss our government and the very democratic (small "d") foundation of our system.  Again, an effort only possible by someone of extreme mental limitations.  Because I don't believe he hates this country so much that he wants to undermine it.  I'm sure he doesn't want that.

I think this realization began seriously when Elizabeth Warren attacked him and he responded.  It's been all downhill for Trump ever since.

Finally, there is hope for our democracy, even if the coming months will be very painful

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