Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Rigged Election

In a letter sent Saturday, the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights asked the Warsaw, Poland-based Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) to "greatly expand" its U.S. election monitoring program.

Trump has stirred up questions about the legitimacy of the United States election process for the Presidency in two truly frightening ways.  First, he said he expected to win in a landslide and, if he didn't, it would be because the process was rigged.  THEN he also said that his supporters should go out and watch, linking suspicion of voter fraud to minority urban districts.

He follows the polls so he knows that he is likely to loose.  By stirring up this suspicion of fraud, he is already working to de-legitimize the Hillary Clinton Presidency.  AND, if you follow his direction to his followers to be vigilant in looking at the duplicate voting in urban minority voting districts, it is a very small step to violence at the polls.

Trump's actions for the past year escalate in their destabilizing objectives.  The only question is why is this man doing this?   What does he have to gain by de-legitimizing the foundation of democracy and paralyzing our government?

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