Wednesday, August 17, 2016


So the FBI is turning over their investigative details about Hillary Clinton's email server to Congress!  During the FBI Director's testimony before Congress, committee members talked about impeaching Clinton for perjury.   
Can you say, "Witch Hunt"? 
I see two problems with this disclosure of information: first, this is a precedent that means material that the FBI has on anyone - under investigation but not indicted - can be turned over to Congress - there goes privacy.  second is simply the continuing attack on Hillary Clinton - I just watched a super pac ad that integrated the words of Hillary Clinton with those of her husband implying that all the words are lies. 
Meanwhile, Trump has not released his taxes and the country has no idea what his ties to Russia and Putin are.  Why doesn't Congress demand Trump's tax return from the IRS? 
Because Congress wants to attack Hillary Clinton. 

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