Monday, August 29, 2016

Voter Polls Being Purged

 Reporter Greg Palast and Dale Ho of the ACLU's Voting Rights Project have reported that 27 Republican led states have instituted a major effort to reduce voting rolls.  They are taking lists of duplicate names in two states and summarily removing them from voter rolls.  The potential voter will not know this until they go to the polls to vote.  And the average voter won't know that they could still file a provisional ballot.  This purge is controlled by Republican state officials, so you can anticipate that it will predominantly effect people of color.  Examples included names that were either Latino or names predominantly indicating an African American person.

What is wrong with the Republican Party?  They can't win honestly, so they will try deceit, rather than identifying principles that can lead them to victory.  Not to mention that these tactics could help to elect Trump - even while there is a notable silence from mainstream Republicans on Trump's candidacy.

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