Thursday, September 29, 2016

Very Wrong

USA Today has denounced the candidacy of Trump and recommended voting for anyone else.  Here's the thing.  If one of the others, most likely Hillary Clinton, doesn't receive 271 votes of the Electoral College, than the House of Representatives gets to elect a President.  The majority Republicans have not shown any ability to be responsible.
Libertarian Gry Johnson says Hillary would have a heavy trigger finger.  Wrong!  Like his total lack of knowledge of international affairs, he has this ass backwards.  Trump is the one with a hair trigger finger, is vindictive and actually spoke about being willing to use nuclear weapons!
Hillary, on the other hand, spent four years as Secretary of State traveling the world to build relationships and maintain the peace.


The Congress passed a budget, stop gap until December, and then they recessed until after the election.  But the Republicans finally conceded and included $170 million in help for the water crisis in Flint.  This is, of course, the water crisis that Republicans in Michigan created.  As usual, it was the Democrats advocating for federal help that got help for Flint.  And addressed the mess that the Republicans made - and to this day have not yet ameliorated with easily accessible safe water let alone corrected with pipe replacement!   Hmmm.  I wonder what the federal response would have been if a water crisis happened in Palm Beach.  Yes, I am suggesting that the lack of response has racial origins. 

Wednesday, September 28, 2016


Here's why I have such incredibly strong views against Trump.  I lived in New York City from the early seventies until about 2012.  I read all the press that Trump generated for his playboy ways and affairs.  My roots are in South Jersey and I heard about all the bankruptcies and stiffing small businesses.

Here's a story:

And what about Trump's touting of his bachelor's degree from Penn?  Note - he keeps talking about a degree from Wharton School but to my understanding,  his degree is not the degree most associated with Wharton, an MBA from Penn, Trump's is a BA.

Double Down !

It's Trump's pattern - say something hurtful or obnoxious or really politically incorrect - a term that he misapplies on a regular basis.  After his totally horrible comments about the Khan family he doubled down.  Now, after the Alicia Machado comments during Monday's debate, his follow spin in interviews, on Fox of course, Trump reiterates his comments about this young womn's weight.

The point here is that he is unable to apologize.  He is unable to admit any fallacy on his part.  He is always right, even when he is hurtful to others or improper.  How does this apply to a President?  A President need to hear diverse opinions adjust his or her views and actions as situations develop.  A President doesn't always get to declare that something is the way he or she thinks it is. 

Flexibility and ability to absorb others' views.  Now, does that sound like Trump?  Nah.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Tuesday Morning Quarterback

Mika, the Democratic-leaning co-host of Morning Joe, made a very astute observation.  Clearly understanding that Hillary "won" the debate, Mika said she thought this could be like the job interview where the woman comes with all the necessary preparation and credentials, and the man gets the job. 
It seems to me that the woman is held to such a different standard. 

Hillary turned Donald into a sniveling incoherent mess. 

Donald is so clueless that he doubled down on the one, of the many, with his promotion of the birther issue.  He said, clearly with pride, that he is the one who forced Barrack Obama to produce his birth certificate.  WHOA!  He doesn't "get it" on so many levels.  Yes, he is the one who pushed the inherent racism to its ultimate end.  And, yes, he fundamentally questioned the legitimate election of the President, both promoting his racist views and undermining democracy.  What a two-fer!

Then he promotes his law and order position, with the only clear action he offered being stop and frisk, along with multiple inaccuracies or lies about the practice.  And then he disparaged all aspects of the African American community in urban cities. 

He really did put it all out there. Racism in its full flower.  And he didn't propose one solution to what he saw as a huge problem beyond stop and frisk.

Meanwhile, he declared the rest of the USA a mess - roads, bridges, airports, military with outdated airplanes.  He called the USA a third world country.  He insisted that countries like Japan and Saudi Arabia should pay for the military support we provide. 

Hillary looked straight into the camera and declared that the USA will continue to honor its many treaties established over decades, as the only remaining super power in the world today.  She became stronger as the debate wore on and she grounded her presentation with facts.  As he became an incoherent sniveling wreckage.

I especially enjoyed Chris Christie in the spin room, staring wild eyed into the camera, trying his best to support Donald's meltdown.  Anyway it was probably good practice for him - he is going to have to explain his own BIG LIE as the Bridgegate trial unfolds.  Because he did know that the GW Bridge lanes were closed for political payback while it was going on despite his joking and mocking denial of such.  But it wont be worth the time to impeach him - he will be gone soon enough and we can only hope that, with a Hillary win, Christie's political career will be over.

I don't expect his ardent supporters, who don't bother to fact check, nor his political allies, who are probably just looking for their next job, to change their support because it isn't based on content.  It is based on emotion or hope of personal benefit.  But maybe thoughtful independents saw what a Trump Presidency would look like.

Enough Said

In addition to his second half meltdown and Hillary's mastery of the facts and the ability of her demeanor to unnerve Trump, here are the facts:

Monday, September 26, 2016

"She Cleaned His Clock"

Thus sayeth Chris Matthews.  "She cleaned his clock."  He scored at 5 to 0, Hillary won.  Steve Schmidt, Republican, declared Trump ran out of gas, sank to incoherence when he got around to talking about foreign policy.  Trump looked very uncomfortable and interrupted Hillary repeatedly.
She looked strong and Presidential.  He looked out of sorts as he deteriorated into rambling.  Interesting - the afterwards, looked like Trump and his family just left, not looking happy, while Bill and Hillary greeted audiences members and looked real happy.
A real home run - when he said he was out seeing lots of communities and she replied that no, she was not out, she was studying for the debate and for becoming President.  She hit it out of the park.
And a snide comment from me - Mrs Trump looked like a bimbo.  Not First Lady material.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

It Comes Down to This - Bottom Line

There are two fundamental issues to look at when selecting a President: nominations for the supreme Court and decision making in foreign policy crises and war, including relations with foreign countries and the nuclear trigger.  We know how the two candidates view SCOTUS appointments. We know Clinton's approach and ability to handle foreign policy.  We have not seen any indication that Trump has the knowledge or temperament to handle foreign policy crises. 
Therefore, BOTTOM LINE, in order to maintain conservative values, voters for Trump are prepared to risk foreign disasters and nuclear war.  And yes, Trump has advocated nuclear proliferation to countries now without nuclear weapons and yes, Trump has expressed his advocacy for nuclear war.  Are conservative values worth the risk?  That is putting partisan values and goals above the well being of the country as a whole.

Finally !

Journalists are finally holding Trump in account in more mainstream venues.
Here's a good one:

And The New York Times has endorsed Hillary Clinton for President while at the same time expressing a total bashing of Trump.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Truth Comes Out

Two representatives for Trump reveal the truth. The Congressman from North Carolina says that white people keep African Americans in "bondage" through welfare and blacks resent whites for it.  The county leader of the Trump campaignin Ohio says there were no race problems before Obama.  It is his fault.  AND, if an arican American hasn't become successful in the past fifty years, it is their own fault.
This confirms the views that Trump promotes and perpetuates through his campaign.  Tha's the simple truth.  If anything positive can be revealed through the reactions to these two horrible murders of black men, it is that the true thoughts of the Trump followers re being revealed.

The Great White Father - NOT !

"I can fix it," Trump says regarding what he ahs diagnosed as the failing quality of life issues in the inner city - schools, jobs, housing, crime.  He sys he can fix it.  He did finally come up with a concrete plan - stop and frisk.  That it ahs been proven to unjustifiably target African American and Latino males, that is has been declared unconstitutional, that it has proven to undermine building positive relationships between the community and the police - none of that matters to Donald Trump.  The great white father knows how to fix the problems of the African American community.  What the hell do you have to loose?  Here's the answer - local decision making, self determination and community involvement.  That's why to not turn over how to fix everything to a man who thinks he can fix anything and who actually knows nothing.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Stop and Frisk

Perfect! Trump runs his mouth without any knowledge to back up his blather.  This practice, which offended NYC residents for several years, was finally declared unconstitutional by a federal district judge.  NYC didn't appeal and the practice ended.  Imagine!  Nationwide!  Anyone could be stopped and frisked for absolutely NO REASON!  But of course Trump doesn't know anything about The Constitution of The United States of America.  Just as an aside, even if it weren't unconstitutional, Trump ought to realize that if there was ever a way to increase these hideous, appalling murders of black men by cops, this is the way to assure that they will happen.
But trump is not trying to appeal to African Americans, and this is perfect evidence.  This practice will not resolve inner city crime as Trump said it would, but it will appeal to white suburban voters.


Other People's Money.  Trump said it.  He actually declared that, in his business, he tries to use Other People's Money.  AND, he says he will do the same for the USA, ie., get other countries to pay the bill, like Mexico and the wall, but also the countries "the Gulf", presumably the Middle East.

Not only is that a bizarre and idiotic foreign policy.  Trump's statement confirms that it is his practice to use other people's money, just like he did - as discovered by the Washington Post.  Trump used $258,000 to settle legal claims from suits against Donald Trump, the person, not his foundation.  And the money was not Trump's own because he never gave any money to it since 2008.  Plus Trump used his foundation money to buy items for his personal use.

AND Trump does not reveal these details - they have been discovered by intensive investigative reporting by the Washington Post.

Meanwhile, Trump criticizes the Clinton Foundation - which has publicly revealed its donors and is using its funds to address problems like HIV in Africa.

Trump simply LIES - he accuses behavior of the Clinton foundation with no basis in fact while he himself chooses not to reveal details of his own foundation - nor his businesses and tax forms.

BRAVO, Elizabeth Warren

Senator Warren made it so clear.  The Wells Fargo CEO made millions when the price of the Wells Fargo stock increased, based on the increased account business that his "team members" generated.  The standard for the team was that each customer should have EIGHT (8) separate accounts with Wells.  Totally unrealistic.  Totally.  So his team did everything they could to meet the company's goals.  Eventually, when publicly revealed, the CEO said he had no knowledge.  But his deputy in the charge had just retired with a nice big package - after regularly firing a thousand team members a year - for years!  Because the team members opened fake accounts.
To my knowledge, the customers have not been made whole.  They were charged fees for the accounts.  Credit card accounts could affect their credit scores for years to come.
Senator Warren, in clear detail, described the pure greed and selfishness of this CEO.

This is why the Consumer Protection Bureau is vital.  If the USA is totally run by Republicans, the Bureau is toast.  Another eason to vote for Hillary Clinton.

Two More

Tulsa and Charlotte.  Two African American men murdered by police.  Tulsa seems clear - the man had his arms raised and there is video.  But the police say that he was reaching for a gun - through a closed car window.  This man was not erratic.  The helicopter cops called him "a bad dude".  now the cops say he looked like he was on pcp?  That is total BS.  In Charlotte, police are saying the man had a gun, his family says he had a book.  We know that cops carry a spare to plant.

All the aside, the Linden NJ cops were able to disable an armed man suspected of being a bomber.  The Linden cops did not kill him.  They disabled him.

Give all these questionable shooting the greatest possible benefit of the doubt - which is entirely too generous and not deserved.  Nevertheless. 

Why do these cops shoot to kill?

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

The Latest

Now Trump says that the police know who "these people" are and they don't go after them because they are afraid of not being "politically correct".  Excuse me?  What an insult to law enforcement.  Trump implies that law enforcement allow events like those over the past weekend happen.

Trump is saying that the suspect is getting treatment in the hospital by the best doctors in the world, probably getting room service.  The suspect will get the best lawyer.  Justice will take so long that people will forget what happened and the punishment won't fit the crime.  Trump's tone was mocking the American way of justice. Trump sys we need swift - but fair - harsh justice.    I thought the Constitution of United States was the envy of the world.  But not to Donald Trump.

Trump took pride in g Chelsea explosion it a bomb before anyone else - and that "they" didn't know what was going on.  Just what you want to hear from a leader. He says Obama is letting 100,000 refugees in - just incorrect lies - and lies because Trump knows better.

How can anyone believe his garbage? One tragedy is that Trump thinks so little of the electorate to pass this crap off as reasonable.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Christie Knew !

Chris Christie said the lane closures were "abject stupidity".  He knew nothing about it - he said so repeatedly.  He even joked that he was the guy out there in overalls moving the cones.  Ho Ho Ho.  He threw his assistant chief of staff under the bus - it was stupid.  Today, both the prosecuting federal attorney and the defense attorney for the defendant, Christie's former assistant, agreed.  Yes, Christie knew the lane closures were happening while they were happening.  Of course Christie lied.  But we knew that - nothing happening in the adjoining office would go on without his notice, if not approval.  He was at events with the accused parties while the closures were going on.
Makes Christie the perfect defender of Trump's statement that Clinton started birtherism.


A suspect has been taken into custody, about 36 hours after the Chelsea bombing and 48 hours after the Seaside bombing.  The window that we have looked through to see the anti-terrorism network at work has been amazing.  Every level of government and law enforcement flew into action. 

I'm all about politics and I have to compare the comments of the candidates.  Hillary Clinton was measured, supporting the anti-terrorism work.  Of course, Donald Trump announced, before the official determination of  the event, that there was a bombing and how we "didn't know what was going on".   And how we need to get very tough.    Trump's words did not instill security in the citizens and diminished the work of the anti-terrorism forces.  Now today, Trump is saying that we are weak and more attacks will happen.  He continues to undermine confidence in the government of this country.  His comments and attitude goes far beyond the legitimate dialogue between different philosophy on issues and approaches to government.

Here's a little post script - this incredible response is why we pay taxes.  Our money is well spent.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

HILLARY DID IT! NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now that Donald has declared that President Obama was born American, he has also declared that Hillary started it.  Every tv clip expands the detail about "Hillary's birtherism".  More lies.
Why did Donald change his mind?
Does any supporter actually listen?

Friday, September 16, 2016


If you've read my posts, you know that I am liberal.  I am also white.  I have never been so ashamed of my race.  8 years of racist accusations against our President !  And rather than admit a mistake, he says that he solved the question that Clinton raised!!!
I am ashamed to be white.

Alternate Universe

Black is white and white is black. 
After eight years of "birtherism" which Trump fed along with his belief that Obama was Moslem - now he declares that Obama was born in the USA.  WHOA!!!  AND now he says Hillary Clinton started raising the issue - and he finished it by getting Obama to release his birth certificate.
Yesterday, trump said he wasn't talking about this anymore.  Today, he is talking about it.

Meanwhile, has he accepted the legitimacy of Obama's college records?  His actual religion?

Actually, this is exactly what Trump does about everything - he was for the Iraq War now he says he was always against it. 

Isn't it great?  You can change the past with a few new words.
My level of DISGUST knows no bounds.

Actually, what will Trump's racist supporters think of his switch?

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Repeating Myself

an interesting repeat of another's observation.  Trump can name call, ridicule and say obnoxious disgusting things about people when they are not present.  Or when facing 15 other Republican primary candidates who are not prepared to respond in kind.  But he doesn't do it when the same people are present and able to retort. 
A perfect example is the way he ranted about African Americans, whom he referred to as "the blacks", when in front of white audiences.  But his manner when at both the Detroit and Flint African American churches was entirely different - he was very passive.  My perception is that he looked terrified.
We can only speculate about why - sure, some level of discomfort.  But why?  Fear, dislike, distain, personal insecurity? who knows.  But the appearance of this passive Trump is a phenomenon that says a lot about his character problems.  So different than the Trump that we have seen for a year.  The difference and its implications for a possible President is terrifying.
And today, he is criticizing the Flint pastor for asking him to stop making a political speech and insulting her manner.  And misrepresenting the entire incident.

Tony Schwartz

The co-author of Trump's Art of the Deal, Tony Schwartz spoke about Trump.  From spending so much time working on the book with Trump.  Schwartz says Trump is filling with self-loathing and insecurity which he projects onto others.  Schwartz was addressing a question about how Trump "really" feels toward Obama. Schwartz says Obama represents all the qualities that Trump can't have and therefore oaths Obama. 
What's interesting is thinking about someone with these emotional character traits with his finger on the so-called nuclear button.  And it explains what we perceive in Trump's boundless vicious commentary.  Either sad, frightening or both.


Trump said that he would not reveal his plans in advance - he wanted to keep the international community guessing.  Like somehow it is an advantage for other countries not to know what the Untied States would do in likely circumstances.  I think about a child - children need to know what the expectations are.  It is really the same thing in the international arena.
Actually, what became clear in the past few days is that Trump thrives on chaos.  The "official word" went back and forth over whether he would release details of his mysterious recent physical exam.  Then, he would go on dr Oz's tv show but not release his records, then show them to Dd Oz.  In the end, he let the audience decide whether Oz could reveal the contents of 2 pieces of paper.
Two points.  I just saw the letter posted online - an overweight 70 year old man supposedly has a blood pressure of 116/70.  NOT.  It is not possible.   And the letter is from the same Dr Bornstein who wrote the joke letter that has been widely circulated.
Andd my second point is this - Trump loves the spectacle - and the effect of the spectacle is to obscure the details, the content.  Everyone is so caught up in the event.  Which is good - because his policies and his retention of the details are simply nonexistent.


Just saw results of a poll.  About half the people polled believe that Hillary is lying about her health; about 37% feel that Donald is lying about his health. 
A few observations.
Donald's effort to paint Hillary negatively is pretty effective.
The blatant lying that Donald does in every speech is ignored.  Current example, he declared that Hillary has no plan - or interest !!! - in providing childcare and early childhood education.  He says this about the candidate that has made children's issues a major focus of her interests in life.
My conclusion is that voters are not thinking critically, or not following the broad scope of the election (as opposed to listening to Trump's rants).
Finally, it is clear to me that the average voter doesn't understand American history.  This election is not happening in a vacuum. 

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Enough Already !!!!

The current criticism of Hillary is that she isn't transparent.  She should share more.  That's her problem.  WHAT????  33 years of tax returns, open records of the Clinton Foundation donations, 40 years of public service from knocking on doors for voting rights to creating child health care insurance to getting health care for first responders from World Trade Center.  But I digress.

The point is that her public disclosures and life of service versus Trump who ahs revealed NOTHING - no tax returns, no Trump foundation details and phoney information on his health. 

Tell me how this is not about her as a woman.  Trump is getting a free ride.  And this is before we talk about his dangerous policy proclamations.  Colin Powell got it right - Trump is a "national disgrace".

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Colin Powell

Recently revealed: Colin Powell emails called Trump an "international pariah" and a "national disgrace" and that birtherism is racist. 

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Let's Go To War !

Trump's latest:
"With Iran, when they circle our beautiful destroyers with their little boats and they make gestures at our people, that they shouldn't be allowed to make, they will be shot out of the water."

What more could I possible add?

He's Got It Right

Here's an Op Ed from The New York Times and my comments.
Finally!  Acknowledging that Matt Lauer spent a third - I thought it was more - asking Hillary about her emails, but didn't question Trump's denial of supporting the Iraq war.  Journalists have not held him to the standard that Clinton is held to - because his lies and accusations are so pervasive!  Like his interview by Larry King  where he trashes the American press.  The American press - the product of our cherished First Amendment and the envy of much of the world - definitely including Russia!  And then, he claims that he didn't know that the interview would be shown on state owned Russian TV.  Excuse me?  His "pal", Larry King, WORKS for Russian TV!  The only question about Trump for this one is - is he stupid or an idiot?  Actually, maybe neither - maybe this is just the length Trump will go to to undermine the American press.  Think about that!

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Another New Low

If you can't win with your own content, accuse your opponent of using an "invisible earpiece"!  That's what Donald Trump Jr tweeted today.    Can you say, Looser? 

Presidential Campaigns

Ok, I said no more, but I can't help myself.
I am watching Morning Joe on msnbc - Gary Johnson was just asked what he would do about Aleppo.  Johnson replied, "What's an Alleppo?"  That's all I need to write about that

While I'm at it,  however, Matt Lauer was a pathetic questioner - asking superficial questions and lacking knowledge for either better follow up or more insightful questions.

I think it was ridiculous to spend half of Clinton's time asking repeated questions about her emails.  And Trump!  Even the pundits have glossed over part of his reponse to sexual assaults in the military - he said that's what happens when men and women are mixed in together.  Dense Matt Lauer didn't follow up.  Calling the generals "reduced to rubble" is absurd.  As General Wesley Clark (ret) - at least I think it was him, but definitely a retired general -  pointed out that with Trump saying he wants new generals, then he is remaking the structure of the whole military system and setting it up that the generals would "kiss his ring". 

In an answer comparing Putin and Obama, praising Putin and criticizing Obama (coupled with appointing generals of his own choosing) tells me what I would fear from a Trump presidency.

Monday, September 5, 2016

My Last Trump Post

I started my thinking woman's commentary to comment on societal issues and somehow, it morphed into frequent posts on Trump's more frequent mockery of the democractic (small "d") electorl system.  Now everyone knows who and what he is and each is either prepared to accept his opinions and values or not.  There is no reason for me to continue pointing out his most recent spewing of disrespect and hate.
One last reflection on his effort to attract African-American votes.  First, his rants about how he will be "good" for African Americans frequently referred to "the blacks".  Even the manner in which he refers to African Americans is at a minimum disrespectful and, more likely, reflects his long history of actions against African American values or culture. 
Most notably, his real estate business that would not rent to people of color by labeling their applications with a "C" and resulting in a federal anti-discrimination settlement.  And, just the past weekend, when visiting the African American church, I looked at him.  He tried swaying to the music but his effort at clapping to the beat was not in sync, more like he was applauding, with a grim look on his face and his chin so far up in the air - literally - that he appeared to be looking at the ceiling.

No to mention his illegal misuse of his foundation to provide a political contribution that led to withdrawl of a suit against Trump University.  And his refusal to release his tax returns.  And the $165 MILLION debt he owes to China.  And on and on.  While the Clinton Foundation is fighting AIDS in Africa with considerable success.

I'm done.  There is nothing redeeming about Trump's candidacy.  Hillary Clinton has the potential to be a superior President.  Her short comings are nothing different than those of others - she has just been under infinitely more scrutiny.   And a fundamental response toward the notion of a woman as President.  I hope the electorate comes to its senses.  If Trump had one tenth of the scrutiny as Hillary Clinton, his negatives woul outweigh hers.