Monday, September 19, 2016


A suspect has been taken into custody, about 36 hours after the Chelsea bombing and 48 hours after the Seaside bombing.  The window that we have looked through to see the anti-terrorism network at work has been amazing.  Every level of government and law enforcement flew into action. 

I'm all about politics and I have to compare the comments of the candidates.  Hillary Clinton was measured, supporting the anti-terrorism work.  Of course, Donald Trump announced, before the official determination of  the event, that there was a bombing and how we "didn't know what was going on".   And how we need to get very tough.    Trump's words did not instill security in the citizens and diminished the work of the anti-terrorism forces.  Now today, Trump is saying that we are weak and more attacks will happen.  He continues to undermine confidence in the government of this country.  His comments and attitude goes far beyond the legitimate dialogue between different philosophy on issues and approaches to government.

Here's a little post script - this incredible response is why we pay taxes.  Our money is well spent.

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