Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Stop and Frisk

Perfect! Trump runs his mouth without any knowledge to back up his blather.  This practice, which offended NYC residents for several years, was finally declared unconstitutional by a federal district judge.  NYC didn't appeal and the practice ended.  Imagine!  Nationwide!  Anyone could be stopped and frisked for absolutely NO REASON!  But of course Trump doesn't know anything about The Constitution of The United States of America.  Just as an aside, even if it weren't unconstitutional, Trump ought to realize that if there was ever a way to increase these hideous, appalling murders of black men by cops, this is the way to assure that they will happen.
But trump is not trying to appeal to African Americans, and this is perfect evidence.  This practice will not resolve inner city crime as Trump said it would, but it will appeal to white suburban voters.

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