Saturday, September 10, 2016

He's Got It Right

Here's an Op Ed from The New York Times and my comments.
Finally!  Acknowledging that Matt Lauer spent a third - I thought it was more - asking Hillary about her emails, but didn't question Trump's denial of supporting the Iraq war.  Journalists have not held him to the standard that Clinton is held to - because his lies and accusations are so pervasive!  Like his interview by Larry King  where he trashes the American press.  The American press - the product of our cherished First Amendment and the envy of much of the world - definitely including Russia!  And then, he claims that he didn't know that the interview would be shown on state owned Russian TV.  Excuse me?  His "pal", Larry King, WORKS for Russian TV!  The only question about Trump for this one is - is he stupid or an idiot?  Actually, maybe neither - maybe this is just the length Trump will go to to undermine the American press.  Think about that!

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