Thursday, September 22, 2016

The Great White Father - NOT !

"I can fix it," Trump says regarding what he ahs diagnosed as the failing quality of life issues in the inner city - schools, jobs, housing, crime.  He sys he can fix it.  He did finally come up with a concrete plan - stop and frisk.  That it ahs been proven to unjustifiably target African American and Latino males, that is has been declared unconstitutional, that it has proven to undermine building positive relationships between the community and the police - none of that matters to Donald Trump.  The great white father knows how to fix the problems of the African American community.  What the hell do you have to loose?  Here's the answer - local decision making, self determination and community involvement.  That's why to not turn over how to fix everything to a man who thinks he can fix anything and who actually knows nothing.

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