Monday, September 5, 2016

My Last Trump Post

I started my thinking woman's commentary to comment on societal issues and somehow, it morphed into frequent posts on Trump's more frequent mockery of the democractic (small "d") electorl system.  Now everyone knows who and what he is and each is either prepared to accept his opinions and values or not.  There is no reason for me to continue pointing out his most recent spewing of disrespect and hate.
One last reflection on his effort to attract African-American votes.  First, his rants about how he will be "good" for African Americans frequently referred to "the blacks".  Even the manner in which he refers to African Americans is at a minimum disrespectful and, more likely, reflects his long history of actions against African American values or culture. 
Most notably, his real estate business that would not rent to people of color by labeling their applications with a "C" and resulting in a federal anti-discrimination settlement.  And, just the past weekend, when visiting the African American church, I looked at him.  He tried swaying to the music but his effort at clapping to the beat was not in sync, more like he was applauding, with a grim look on his face and his chin so far up in the air - literally - that he appeared to be looking at the ceiling.

No to mention his illegal misuse of his foundation to provide a political contribution that led to withdrawl of a suit against Trump University.  And his refusal to release his tax returns.  And the $165 MILLION debt he owes to China.  And on and on.  While the Clinton Foundation is fighting AIDS in Africa with considerable success.

I'm done.  There is nothing redeeming about Trump's candidacy.  Hillary Clinton has the potential to be a superior President.  Her short comings are nothing different than those of others - she has just been under infinitely more scrutiny.   And a fundamental response toward the notion of a woman as President.  I hope the electorate comes to its senses.  If Trump had one tenth of the scrutiny as Hillary Clinton, his negatives woul outweigh hers.

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