Thursday, September 15, 2016

Repeating Myself

an interesting repeat of another's observation.  Trump can name call, ridicule and say obnoxious disgusting things about people when they are not present.  Or when facing 15 other Republican primary candidates who are not prepared to respond in kind.  But he doesn't do it when the same people are present and able to retort. 
A perfect example is the way he ranted about African Americans, whom he referred to as "the blacks", when in front of white audiences.  But his manner when at both the Detroit and Flint African American churches was entirely different - he was very passive.  My perception is that he looked terrified.
We can only speculate about why - sure, some level of discomfort.  But why?  Fear, dislike, distain, personal insecurity? who knows.  But the appearance of this passive Trump is a phenomenon that says a lot about his character problems.  So different than the Trump that we have seen for a year.  The difference and its implications for a possible President is terrifying.
And today, he is criticizing the Flint pastor for asking him to stop making a political speech and insulting her manner.  And misrepresenting the entire incident.

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