Thursday, September 15, 2016


Trump said that he would not reveal his plans in advance - he wanted to keep the international community guessing.  Like somehow it is an advantage for other countries not to know what the Untied States would do in likely circumstances.  I think about a child - children need to know what the expectations are.  It is really the same thing in the international arena.
Actually, what became clear in the past few days is that Trump thrives on chaos.  The "official word" went back and forth over whether he would release details of his mysterious recent physical exam.  Then, he would go on dr Oz's tv show but not release his records, then show them to Dd Oz.  In the end, he let the audience decide whether Oz could reveal the contents of 2 pieces of paper.
Two points.  I just saw the letter posted online - an overweight 70 year old man supposedly has a blood pressure of 116/70.  NOT.  It is not possible.   And the letter is from the same Dr Bornstein who wrote the joke letter that has been widely circulated.
Andd my second point is this - Trump loves the spectacle - and the effect of the spectacle is to obscure the details, the content.  Everyone is so caught up in the event.  Which is good - because his policies and his retention of the details are simply nonexistent.

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