Thursday, September 8, 2016

Presidential Campaigns

Ok, I said no more, but I can't help myself.
I am watching Morning Joe on msnbc - Gary Johnson was just asked what he would do about Aleppo.  Johnson replied, "What's an Alleppo?"  That's all I need to write about that

While I'm at it,  however, Matt Lauer was a pathetic questioner - asking superficial questions and lacking knowledge for either better follow up or more insightful questions.

I think it was ridiculous to spend half of Clinton's time asking repeated questions about her emails.  And Trump!  Even the pundits have glossed over part of his reponse to sexual assaults in the military - he said that's what happens when men and women are mixed in together.  Dense Matt Lauer didn't follow up.  Calling the generals "reduced to rubble" is absurd.  As General Wesley Clark (ret) - at least I think it was him, but definitely a retired general -  pointed out that with Trump saying he wants new generals, then he is remaking the structure of the whole military system and setting it up that the generals would "kiss his ring". 

In an answer comparing Putin and Obama, praising Putin and criticizing Obama (coupled with appointing generals of his own choosing) tells me what I would fear from a Trump presidency.

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