Sunday, October 30, 2016


I heard a reliable reporter with good sources say that it is possible that the FBI doesn't even have these alleged emails in their possession (because they haven't gotten the search warrant yet).  EEEGAD!
Meanwhile, Trump declares that for Comey to having done this, it must be something really horrible and it's worse than Watergate.  (Watergate - which was the story of 49 officials criminally convicted and many of the sent to prison, an entire Presidency engaged in criminal activity and the forced resignation of a aPresident.)
The US Attorney general advised Comey against doing this.
In any case, James B Comey is going to change the course of the election with no known concrete basis at all.
This is so so so wrong.  The only thing that will resolve it as best possible is for Comey to fall on his sword and reveal what exactly the FBI knows right now.  Or he will go down in American history with the worst.  His reputation is already ruined for all time based on his choice to cower to Republican lawmakers and his total lack of judgement so he might as well tell the whole truth.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

If It Takes This

If it takes this revelation from FBI Director Comey to propel Trump to the Presidency, not only will the election have been skewed by the FBI director singlehandedly.  Prosecutors have pointed out the problem of revealing an investigation virtually before it has even begun.  The US Attorney General and deputy Attorney General both pointed out before he took the action of sending the letter to Congress that Comey's proposed against went against the long standing policy of not revealing things with 60 days of elections!  But Comey did it anyway. 
Even democrats still talk about Comey's integrity.  But perhaps hispride in his own integrity overcame simple common sense.
According to recent polls, the electorate was moving toward Clinton and awy from Trump.  Kind of like the electorate was coming to it collective senses.  If it takes this insane bizarre action, this country might get what it deserves.  A Trump Presidency will definitely bring a conservative Supreme Court, jeopardizing a woman's right to her own health decisions,  risks destabilizing the Americna economy by his immigration policies and the economic world order through trade and, ultimately, risking wars on a world level.
Here comes a Trump Presidency and thank you James Comey

Fire James Comey

Today, it is being reported that Loretta Lynch, US Attorney General, the boss of FBI Director, James Comey, advised him not to send the informational letter to the Republican congressional committee heads, with cc's to the Democratic ranking members. 
Most rational objective prosecutors are concurring that Comey's action is unprecedented and inappropriate.  Some have explained in more depth that the FBI's political review, normally sent issues of political importance for review before action, could not have possibly been consulted in this instance since Comey was only informed on Thursday and sent the letter on Friday, on day later. 
It is widely being discussed that Trump's relationship to Russia and Putin is under investigation by the FBI, as well as the WiKi leaks directed at Clinton and the Democratic Party.
Ergo, if Comey finds it necessary to reveal totally vague information about Huma Abedin's email accounts ascribing a relationship to Clinton's email server and questions of her possible abuse of confidential information how can he justify maintaining the privacy of the investigation of Trump and Russia?
Even FBI agents have been quoted as being distressed at the politicization of the FBI.  The politicization of the FBI is wrong and Comey needs to be fired.

Friday, October 28, 2016

James B Comey

What a revelation: In a brief letter to congressional leaders, Comey said that the FBI, in connection with an “unrelated case,” had recently “learned of the existence of emails that appear to be pertinent to the Clinton investigation.”
So, a computer shared by Huma Abedin and Anthony Weiner and seized by the FBI in the Weiner sexual scandal is where the emails were alledgedly discovered.
There is a consensus that any review will not be completed before the election.
From my knowledge of criminal investigations, the normal practice is that the investigation takes place privately. But not in this instance.  Comey has said everything and absolutely nothing.  These emails could be evidence of criminality or evidence of personal communication between Clinton and Abedin, who have had a close working relationship - or something in between.  We don't even know if these emails are new or copies of something already reviewed.
Donald Trump is ready to jail Clinton on this announcement and we can be sure to her him repeat what he ahs already declared, ie, that she shouldn't "be allowed" to run for President.
Now Comey broke all precedent in July when he described the outcome of his investigation into Clinton's server and emails by giving a pubic accounting of an investigation that did not result in any charges or indictments.  But that accounting including his judgment about Clinton's behavior.  Now he, again, presents damning but inconclusive facts.  Comey's July actions set him up to decide whether to reveal this new situation.  Granted, he was in a precarious position.  even if he didn't reveal these emails, any FBI staffer could easily leak them between now and election day.   So, in my view, Comey took the chicken way out.  he did the easy thing for himself.  No one can criticize him - eh withheld nothing! 
But he crucified Hilary Clinton.  She doesn't even know what the charge is, so how can she possibly defend herself?  While Trump has a field day.  And the Republican Party goes off the deep end.
Even Donald trump just declared that maybe the election isn't rigged.  No, the election isn't rigged, but James B Comey knows how to attack one candidate who has no chance to defend herself.
Neither the public, nor, presumably Hillary Clinton, know what is involved, so she will not be able to defend herself - if a defense is even warranted.
Eleven days before the election.
Remember Ken Starr, the Special Prosecutor? That led to Bill Clinton's impeachment over a lie totally unrelated to the initial reason he was appointed?  Then you wonder why the Clintons feel persecuted?  Is James B Comey related to Ken Starr? 
No responsible person wants Donald Trmp to become President.  If he does, we can thank James B Comey, head of the FBI.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016


Trump went on a rant about how "Obamacare" was so terrible for his Doral golf course employees.  When the Doral manager was asked, he explained that at least 95% of their emplyees do not use "Obamacare" because they get employer provided health insurance.  Trump sounded so authoritative - he didn't have the slightest notion of the facts! 
Later, after he found out about employer provided health insurance, Trump said authoritatively that "Obamacare" was too much trouble for Doral to deal with.
Two points here - Trump knew none of the facts in the topic on which he was speaking authoritatively.  He can lie with total aplomb.  And he doesn't know the slightest bit about our health insurance delivery system!
The talking heads have already pointed out that what could have been a good news day for Trump was lost because he had no idea of how the health insurance system is delivered in this country.
There is a problem with the Affordable Care Act and its solvency.  Not a word was said about how it might be fixed.  Trump says repeal and replace - but with what?  and what about the many positive aspects of the law, including allowing kids to stay on their policies to age 26, getting rid of preexisting conditions and ending lifetime caps. 


Trump says the election is rigged.  Every mainstream politician and media representative points out that the US election system is so local and state run, so de-centralized, that it would be difficult to "rig" the entire election.  There could be some irregularities - it has been established in court that some recent laws, primarily voter id and early voting reductions, have attempted to suppress voting by college students, people of color and the elderly - the people who generally vote for the Democratic candidate.  Regarding the North Carolina law, the court said the law aimed "with surgical precision" to suppress minority voting.  A PA state legislator was quoted as saying that his states' law aimed, in 2012, to elect Mitt Romney.
That said, to say that the media is biased, calling Hillary Clinton "crooked" and promising to put work at putting Clinton in "jail" - is ridiculous.
To broadly declare that the "election is rigged" is an outright lie and undermines the democratic (small "d") process in a way that endangers the foundation of our country.
As an aside, I read that Russia as interested in bringing "observers" to Oklahoma and another nearby state.  Officials in those states immediately promised to jail any Russians attempting to observe the election.  Interesting how Russia keeps popping up in this election - that's definitely a new development.  But I digress.
The media gave Trump enormous amounts of free air time during the primary - maybe even gave him that win.
Trump has a core group of followers who believe everything that he says.  It doesn't matter if he believes what he says.  What matters is that he is undermining belief in the democratic system. 
Hillary Clinton is going to face not only a divided country, but a portion of the country who does not accept her as President. 
Hillary and the Democratic Party are doing all they can to run up their score - that is the only thing they can do to give the election legitimacy.  Mainstream Republican politicians will some day have to take some leadership, maybe after the election, if any of them are left in office.  Right now, Republican politicians are afraid of the Trump voter.  That leadership will need to broaden their base and develop a consistent message instead of the current patchwork of racism, economic conservatism and religious fervor.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

He said, "I'll sue."

Before the eleventh victim of sexual aggression by Trump came forward, Trump said he would sue each of the ten that had described his alleged sexual aggression toward them - after the election.  One of two things - either he is sure he won't be President or he is prepared to spend the first one hundred days of his Presidency on law suits that will place him at risk of perjury, given their right to cross examine him under oath.  And it will be difficult for him to testify in these ten, or eleven, suits, while pursuing his governmental agenda.
He will also be working on getting a special prosecutor to prosecute Hilary Clinton.  Now he is also discussing prosecuting some members of the media.
Gosh.  Trump is taking plays from the book of facism.

Friday, October 21, 2016


Christie signed legislation that increases NJ gasoline tax by 23 cents per gallon.  I just learned that the figure isn't fixed.  It can change relative to the amount of gasoline sold in NJ.  So, if consumption goes own (probably due to increased gas prices) gas tax amount per gallon will go up.  WHOA! Talk about a double screw.  The tax goes from one of the lowest in the country to one of the highest and it could go higher, most likely when the price of gas goes higher.  You have to be kidding!
Two Republicans state legislatures are trying to pursue a repeal because of the flexibility aspect.

Interesting, same day the gas tax details were publicized, Bridget Kelly testified under oath that Christie knew about the GW bridge lane closures before they happened.  Another witness testified that he told Christie that his staff members knew about the closures 4 minutes before Christie told a press conference that noone on his staff knew.

And Christie has become the subject of a whistleblower law suit to testify about what he knew. 

Liar, liar, pants on fire.

Too bad that Christie is likely to veto legislation that would make drugs available to terminally ill people.  Oh well, /Christie will be gone soon enough.

Can we impeach him now?  The good news is that his political career is toast.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Hillary Clinton

I began as a Joe Biden supporter.  Not because I disliked or distrusted Hillary, but I felt that the US was not ready to elect a woman and I like Joe a lot.  After three debates and one Al Smith dinner, I am so impressed with Hillary.  She will be a great President.  And then I finally felt the excitement and joy - I am going to see a woman become President!

Here's the Thing

Here's the difference.  Trump has been saying that the entire election is rigged.  He has said this in a very universal manner, ie., inner cities need to be watched, the media coverage has been biased.  Repeatedly at his rallies.
Then, during the debate, he said he would wait and see if he would accept the election results.
His surrogates, Guiliani and Conway, tried to make that answer sound reasonable by recalling Al Gore's challenge to the 2000 Florida close race of 500-some votes.  This was a very specific circumstance that Gore challenged when it happened - that is entirely different than Trump's declaring in advance that there are vast problems across the country with the electoral process. 
AND Gore finally accepted the result even though he won the popular vote.  Al Gore, in that moment, became a hero to the democratic (small "d") process.  Entirely different than what Trump said in the debate.
While Trump not only vacillates about whether he will accept the results, he has also said he wants his opponent jailed and that he admires Vladimir Putin.  His basic message has attempted to separate basically white people from African Americans, Latinos, Moslems.  Altogether, that's facism.
This is not the package that belongs in the Presidency.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016


That's game, set and match.  Trump stated, in the debate, that he would wait and see whether or not he would accept the results of the Presidential election.  He said he would keep us in suspense.  Trump has attacked democracy. 
I wonder that, with these angry, bitter personal attacks,  if Trump hasn't offended all fair minded people.
Vast, absurd lies from Trump - off the wall, crazy lies.


Morning Joe talking head, Mike Barnacle, said he had recently spent some time with someone close to Trump.   Barnacle said that Trump was filled with rage at the prospect of loosing the election.  His point was that there is nothing calculated about trump's rants about a rigged election, that whether he was planning a post-election television network his Tea Party style conservative supporters, he was now simply lashing out.  Pretty terrifying for our electoral process. 
I dread tonight's debate.
Meanwhile, Marco Rubio declared that he would not react WikiLeak revelations as part of his campaign.  He added, Remember, it might be us next. 

Tuesday, October 18, 2016


I had a great reminder this morning.  Morning Joe talked about what it will be like over the Thanksgiving dinner this year.  We are so polarized and passionate.  How do we put "us" - families and country - back together?  We need to understand how tough it's been for the core Trump supporter  - the white man, factory worker, if I might stereotype - whose candidate has lost, whose candidate has ginned them and then left them as the candidate goes back to his gilded penthouse on fifth avenue.
Joe Scarborough said it - if, after that horrible war, Lincoln could say, "with malice toward none," surely we can work toward that same sentiment.  I add this:  It is up to us to understand where they are coming from - as their economic lives have been hurt for the past thirty years - and support the things that we believe will actually really help the situation of those supporters.
At the same time, Clinton needs to win in a blow out - that is the only thing that will counter Trump's ever more insistent and vitriolic accusations of a rigged election and will allow her to actually govern effectively.

Monday, October 17, 2016

"The Media"

Trump says "The Media" is rigging the election by not covering him fairly.
Hmmm.  Remember how Trump won the nomination?  Free coverage from the media - he had more coverage than any one of his 15 or 16 opponents.
Now that it's  serious run for the Presidency and he gets coverage, it's rigged.  yeah, right.

Voter Fraud

Trump is going full out declaring that, if he looses, it will be because of voter fraud.  He says, over and over, that the election is rigged.   Paul Ryan has one of his campaigners say it isn't rigged.  Here's the thing.  The Republican Party has laid the ground work for Trump's declaration for years.  Going back to the 2012 Presidential election and all the GOP's efforts to institute voter id's because claiming voter fraud that didn't in fact exist.  Voter fraud is phoney, it's not an issue! 
In 2012 the GOP effort was explicitly directed at African American voters.  It hit the elderly too. 
Again, it's a two-fer.  Voter fraud and African American suppression.
The Republican Party set up what Trump ahs taken to the Nth degree.  Again, it's up to the Republican Party to correct their mistakes that are undermining democracy.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Drug Test? Here's Why....

Do you remember how Trump was sniffing constantly during the last two debates?  It was actually very annoying.  Like many other accusations, he projects his own problems and issues onto his opponents.  This idea of a drug test is another two-fer - accuse Hillary Clinton of health/stamina/whatever problems and, it's prevent defense/offense -  before anyone can accuse him of cocaine sniffing, accuse Hillary Clinton.

Which Is Worse?

Trump hits all the points on this one.  He is talking about rigged elections.  He told his rally goers about how some polling areas "you know the ones I mean"  that there are voting irregularities.  Those polling areas need to be watched.  So, rally goers, he tells them, after you vote, go to those areas and watch them.  They need to be watched because that's where the rigging of the election will happen.
WHOA!  You get a two-fer on that one.  Everyone knows he is talking about suburbanites going into the inner cities - whites going into black areas - racism.  And he is anticipating a rigged election, undermining the foundation of a democratic (small "d") government.
Which is worse?  Racism and dissembling values go hand in hand.
And recently, Trump has added one to make a trifecta.  Now he talks about how Hillary Clinton wants to break down our national barriers because she gets funds from and colludes with "the international financial" cabal.  How close will trump get to adding that "dog whistle" oh, how I hate that term - it isn't a "dog whistle" because it is as explicit as we all know.

Thursday, October 13, 2016


I just heard Trump say, "The Clintons are criminals."  he also said that he would take their slings and  arrows for his audience members, that this election was the last chance and only he could fix it.


Two points. Not only is this rhetoric foreign at an American election - it has nothing to do with policy positions - it is just a personal vendetta.  Worse, this rhetoric goes against the entire democratic process.  where is he leading his followers for when Hillary Clinton wins the election?  He is undermining the foundation of our government.

This "only I can fix it" theme that trump has expressed repeatedly, along with his theme of jailing crooked, lying Hillary, echoes the style of a despotic, tyrant.  Trump may  not have the ability to reach the scope of the dictatorships of staling and Hitler, but his method is the same.  It is evil and contrary to our democratic form of government.  His followers don't seem to be bothered by this, but trump himself has sunk into pure evil.


I have been listening to the descriptions of Donald trump's sexual encounters (alleged, of course).  Followed by Trump's denials, describing how he couldn't possibly have done the accusation saying, "look at her".  As if to say, she wasn't pretty enough.

I experienced sexual aggression - a boyfriend who went for it, so to speak, without invitation; the groping of my crotch by someone as I stood in a crowded New York subway car; on a suburban bus when a hand reached through the space between the seat and back of the seat to get at my butt.  Maybe the craziest was when I was maybe 12 years old or so (maybe a bit older, i was naïve) and sitting in a public library reading room - I was too young to understand what the man was doing but I sensed something very uncomfortable going on near me - later I found out that the man was jerking off as he sat next to me at a round table. 

As a professional, I experienced various disparaging experiences - when men of my own age, but supervised by me, fundamentally conveyed their discomfort at a woman supervisor, even though they seemed to respect me.  Or when a male peer from another organization placed himself ina superior position to me, even though I was his peer.

anyway, my point is that these things happen.  My dad was a good man, I have many fine male relatives and I have met many good men.   And my professional experiences with men younger than me indicate that times and values are changing toward equality and respect between the sexes.

Michelle Obama recounted a lovely story.  A six year old told his mom that he knew Hillary Clinton would become President. His mom asked why and the six year old replied, "no one who calls someone a Piggy can be President"  E.ven six year olds know what is right.

But now I also have been listening to men - the many athletes who spoke up to say that Trump's locker room conversation is in fact, NOT a locker room conversation.  Then there were the male television journalists - Chris Matthews who said he had heard women tell him things he had never heard before and you could hear his sincere shock and distress; and Chris Hayes, who spoke with true advocacy for women - being a bit younger, I could just sense that Chris Hayes "got it".

Times are changing, Trump is in the gutter, but there are good people out there.

I am heartened.


Here's a quote - a portion of the Washington Post endorsement of Hillary Clinton:
"IN THE gloom and ugliness of this political season, one encouraging truth is often overlooked: There is a well-qualified, well-prepared candidate on the ballot. Hillary Clinton has the potential to be an excellent president of the United States, and we endorse her without hesitation."

Yes, Hillary Clinton is prepared and informed.  She consistently seeks to improve the status of critical issues facing the USA, both domestically and foreign.  She seeks bipartisan approaches to these issues.  It is absurd that these traits and facts have been buried by the superficial accusations and threats of her opponent.

Hillary isn't "just" the lesser of two evils.  Hillary has the potential to be an outstanding President.

Hillary for President !

Wednesday, October 12, 2016


Trump's nd Clinton's security briefings informed them that Russians are behind the hacking of political email accounts.  Even though Trump didn't seem to be convinced - he thinks someone weighing 400 pounds and sitting on his bed is doing the hacking.  Clearly, Trump is interested in deflecting the accusation of Russian hacking.

But maybe worse, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, a Russian ultra-nationalist ally of Putin, has declared that the only candidate for American President who can prevent nuclear war is Trump.

It is plainly obvious that Putin is working to get Trump elected.  Now why do you think that is?  Of course it is that Putin has made the assessment that it is in Putin's own interest to have Trump in the White House.  Why? Because he also knows that he can't push Hillary Clinton around.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Trump Threats

Trump is threatening more personal attacks on Bill and Hillary Clinton.  These attacks so far have been either unsubstantiated or outright misrepresentations and lies.  This is no way to run a serious Presidential campaign.
It is time.  The Republican Party - finally - need to deal with the problem that it created over a long time of tolerance or personal attacks on Democrats.   It is the ethical thing to do.
Trump is imploding by the hour.  It is up to the Republican leadership to get a handle on this horror.
But, beyond, human decency, ethics and respect for the democratic (small "d") process, think about it!  Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell and their party, assuming any are left in office, will need to work with President Hillary Clinton.  She speaks about working across party lines.  With the current likelihood of a Democratic rout, the Republicans only hope for impact of their views is to prepare to work with Clinton.

36 Hours Later

I wasn't surprised by The Tape.  I lived in Manhattan for almost forty years and Trump was always in the news, half the time for his playboy-style personal life.  And I work in the real world, the sexist world.  Like any woman I have experienced sexually aggressive behavior and heard rude comments  about women's body parts in vulgar terms.
That said, I wasn't surprised by The Tape.
But during the debate, Trump's words and behavior did surprise me.  The hovering and lurking over Clinton.  The comment, when I'm President you will be in jail.  His total disrespect for the political process.  Hillary Clinton's reputation has been deliberately sabotaged by the Trump campaign, himself and surrogates.
Men's sexist behavior? Pretty much routine.  Ruining the American political process?  Now that was an outrage.
His debate behavior should sink his campaign.

Monday, October 10, 2016


Here are a list of Trump's lies during the debate last night:

Trump disrespects the American voter.  His lies are both self-serving and the height of laziness - he doesn't bother to learn the facts.
Trump also disrespects the female gender.  Beyond the revelations on tape, last night he declared that his words "were locker room talk."  He said it multiple times.  He hovered, loomed over really, Clinton last night.  He  used four women from Bill Clinton's past - using women against a woman candidate. 
And finally, he promised to jail Hillary Clinton if he was elected. 
Simply disgusting.

Many have said this but it bares repeating.  Most Republicans stood idly by while trump spewed his hate toward Mexicans and Moslems, when he mocked or disparaged a person with a disability, a war hero like John McCain, hose he referred to as "the blacks", women in general. His words within the past week declaring that the Central Park 5 are guilty despite their exoneration by DNA evidence and by the legal system of the USA - just code for his law and order push, really his not so subtle expression of racism. 
He dismisses the US Constitution when he dismisses the judicial system as in the Central Park 5 case and declaring that he would put Hillary Clinton in jail. 

It took him describing what he does to white women for Republicans to dump him.  I'm tired of hearing about their  "mothers, daughter, granddaughters".   It's about his disrespect for the entire American electorate.

Sunday, October 9, 2016


I vote by mail.
I've always known how I would vote.
But tonight, I just filled out my ballot and voted for Hillary Clinton.

Only Hillary Clinton

So Trump just called the press pool to a hotel site and there he is with 3 women who accused Bill Clinton of sexual contacts.  It is believed that this is Trump's reply to the revelation of his own sexual improprieties. 
Relitigating unsubstantiated events from as long ago as 1978 is not  reasonable response to Trump's own words on tape from 1995.  These actions only confirm the insincerity of Trump's apology.
Why "Only Hillary Clinton"?  Because only Hillary Clinton will be strong enough to take on thin skinned Donald Trump.  Hillary is a strong woman who has dedicated her life to improving the condition of women and girls and all children. 
This behavior by Trump is disgusting. 
Hillary, Stand Strong! 

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Media Mistakes

So trump is quoted as saying, "I was wrong, I apologize."  They don't include that he prefaces that with it happened ten years ago and when he concludes by alleging what Bill Clinton has said.

The actual apology equivocates and the media cleaned it up by showing only the apology part.

this is how Trump got by in the primaries and how we wound up with the mess of Trump's candidacy.


Haiti has been devastated.  Hundreds dead, whole towns flattened.  US warships and US  Marines have been deployed to help.  For starters, helicoptering food and water  areas with no access due to roads and bridges ruined.
This is who we are as a country. 
We are also the people who, as individual Americans, respond when we learn of people in need, of people whose lives have taken a tragic turn.  How many times do we hear about these instances of being our better selves?  Many, many.
Just a reality check.  How do these actions fit with Trump's vision for the USA?  How do these actions compare to Putin's Russia that just takes over his neighbors?

Friday, October 7, 2016

Lost in the Sex Scandal

Trump trumped himself.  This afternoon a tape was released in which Trump says, in essence, he assults women (by grabbing them in their private parts).  Outrageous and scndal worthy in the media.
But this morning, Trump declared that he still believes that the Central Park 5 were guilty.  The 5 were accused of a rape in Central Park and Trump took out a full page ad declaring that they should be given the death penalty.  They spent 5 to 13  years in prison before being exonerated by dna evidence.  And today, years, even decades later, Trump doubled down and declared that he still believes them guilty.
This is racism, of course, but goes so far beyond your basic racism that I can't find a word to describe it.
This is how Trump presents his "law and order" program.  But what about the Constitution of the United States of America?  He doesn't accept justice based upon the Constitution.  How could he ever take the oath of office for the presidency?  He doesn't know what the Constitution means.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Former Repulican Cognressmen

Thirty Republican former Congressmen have come out against Trump.  Cudos  to them!  Republicans are taking responsibility for the actions of their party. Hopefully more will follow.  Republicans can't leave all the heavy lifting against Trump to Democrats.  A possible Trump Presidency could ruin so much beyond worrying about who will be nominated for the Supreme Court.


The situation in Syria is complicated.  But it is clear that Russia is bombing Aleppo into oblivion, included the residents who are stuck there.  In  addition to bombing the supply train a few weeks ago, they are targeting hospitals and other aide efforts.  Trump is trying to clean up his previous "position" that he respects Putin and could work with him.  Last night Trump said wouldn't it be great for the US and Russia to get together and end ISIS.  Also, he said maybe he would get along with Putin, maybe not, maybe somewhere in between.
Meanwhile, Trump also says that the US should stay out of support for Syrian refugees.
Trump doesn't realize that his effort to mitigate his previous misdirected position, as well as letting Syrians hang desperately in the wartorn wind, is just as supportive of Russian's actions in Syria.

Can't Get Any Worse

I shouldn't write that it can't get any worse because it always does.  In response to a reporter discussing his past sexist comments, Trump had the ultimate retort.  He said, "It was entertainment."
Just as bad, Brian Williams, when reporting this latest appalling Trump effort to justify his past comments, Williams never pointed out  that Trump was explicitly saying that his insulting, demeaning remarks about women were ok - it was just entertainment. 
Was it just for fun?  That makes the comments ok?

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

GOP VP Result

At 8PM, the GOP has already announced that Pence won the debate.  The debate has not yet begun.  GOP management can't even time the release of an posting properly.  And just an indication that SOIN is the name of the game.  And the Republican Party is no more about being nonpolitical and different than any other political group

Monday, October 3, 2016


Obama is correct.  He said, I see 'straight line' from Sarah Palin becoming VP nominee 'to what we see today' with Trump. 
Meanwhile, The Supreme Court begins its session without a ninth Associate Justice.  The Republican Congressional delegation is undermining a key component of the American democratic government.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Hillary Clinton

So much has already been written, it seems pointless to rehash.  I  rail about Donald Trump, his massive shortcomings and his reviling of other candidates.  I believe in Hillary Clinton as a candidate worthy of the Presidency.  That her views and knowledge of policy re ignored is a result of the press coverage of Trump's dominance.
Here's a link to an article that includes  video clip of Clinton answering  rabbi's question about balancing confidence and humility.  It is a Clinton that has been hidden and should be seen.  It will comfort to those on the fence who fer Trump but don't know the "real" HIllary.

Enough Said

note that he did not show ny charitable (itemized) deductions, besides managing to take a $915 million loss

Saturday, October 1, 2016


I saw a yard sign this afternoon.  "Hillary for Prison".  There is no reason for this.  This is taking our democratic process outside all bounds of decency.  This is a par with what Trump did years ago in New York city when he took out  full page ad in The New York Times condemning 5 African American teens who were accused of murder.  Eventually, after he ruined their lives, they were found innocent of the crime.  Even a sign like "down with Hillary" would be more acceptable, fine really.  This was a formal printed sign - not a homemade job.  Some group printed this sign.  This is not how American politics should be run. 
Trump has promoted this notion with his endless rants about "crooked Hillary" and encouraging his audience to disparage her in the basest terms.  And then he berates the media for dishonesty and declares that the system is rigged.
Our democracy is at risk.  In 2000, the Florida hanging chads took the Presidential election decision to the Supreme Court; since 2008 the Presidency of Barrack Obama has been undermined from the day Senator McConnell said he primary goal was to prevent Obama from achieving any policy change and to make Obama a one term President and by 2012 to undermine his second term with the question of his legitimacy as President.
Trump has already started to undermine a Hillary Clinton Presidency.  But he is really undermining our entire democratic form of government. 

Philadelphia Orchestra Musicians Strike

The musicians struck just before the annual Gala Opening concert.  Management puts out the view that management and musicians were not far apart in negotiations.  But the musicians' salaries are significantly below those of the Boston Symphony, a comparable orchestra.  The Philadelphia is one of the best orchestras in the country, even the world.  Comparable salaries will keep the Philadelphia at its level as the foremost cultural organization in Philadelphia, a vital component of the city's cultural life.
Not enough has been publicized of the 14% pay cut that the musicians took 3 years ago when the orchestra came out of their bankruptcy.   I seem to recall that restoration of their salaries was part of the plan at the time.  Here it is 3 years later and they are arguing for 3%.  Also, the orchestra has been downsized by a few fewer musicians.
The orchestra musicians have more concern for the quality of the orchestra than does the management.