Thursday, October 6, 2016


The situation in Syria is complicated.  But it is clear that Russia is bombing Aleppo into oblivion, included the residents who are stuck there.  In  addition to bombing the supply train a few weeks ago, they are targeting hospitals and other aide efforts.  Trump is trying to clean up his previous "position" that he respects Putin and could work with him.  Last night Trump said wouldn't it be great for the US and Russia to get together and end ISIS.  Also, he said maybe he would get along with Putin, maybe not, maybe somewhere in between.
Meanwhile, Trump also says that the US should stay out of support for Syrian refugees.
Trump doesn't realize that his effort to mitigate his previous misdirected position, as well as letting Syrians hang desperately in the wartorn wind, is just as supportive of Russian's actions in Syria.

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