Thursday, October 13, 2016


I have been listening to the descriptions of Donald trump's sexual encounters (alleged, of course).  Followed by Trump's denials, describing how he couldn't possibly have done the accusation saying, "look at her".  As if to say, she wasn't pretty enough.

I experienced sexual aggression - a boyfriend who went for it, so to speak, without invitation; the groping of my crotch by someone as I stood in a crowded New York subway car; on a suburban bus when a hand reached through the space between the seat and back of the seat to get at my butt.  Maybe the craziest was when I was maybe 12 years old or so (maybe a bit older, i was naïve) and sitting in a public library reading room - I was too young to understand what the man was doing but I sensed something very uncomfortable going on near me - later I found out that the man was jerking off as he sat next to me at a round table. 

As a professional, I experienced various disparaging experiences - when men of my own age, but supervised by me, fundamentally conveyed their discomfort at a woman supervisor, even though they seemed to respect me.  Or when a male peer from another organization placed himself ina superior position to me, even though I was his peer.

anyway, my point is that these things happen.  My dad was a good man, I have many fine male relatives and I have met many good men.   And my professional experiences with men younger than me indicate that times and values are changing toward equality and respect between the sexes.

Michelle Obama recounted a lovely story.  A six year old told his mom that he knew Hillary Clinton would become President. His mom asked why and the six year old replied, "no one who calls someone a Piggy can be President"  E.ven six year olds know what is right.

But now I also have been listening to men - the many athletes who spoke up to say that Trump's locker room conversation is in fact, NOT a locker room conversation.  Then there were the male television journalists - Chris Matthews who said he had heard women tell him things he had never heard before and you could hear his sincere shock and distress; and Chris Hayes, who spoke with true advocacy for women - being a bit younger, I could just sense that Chris Hayes "got it".

Times are changing, Trump is in the gutter, but there are good people out there.

I am heartened.

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