Saturday, October 15, 2016

Which Is Worse?

Trump hits all the points on this one.  He is talking about rigged elections.  He told his rally goers about how some polling areas "you know the ones I mean"  that there are voting irregularities.  Those polling areas need to be watched.  So, rally goers, he tells them, after you vote, go to those areas and watch them.  They need to be watched because that's where the rigging of the election will happen.
WHOA!  You get a two-fer on that one.  Everyone knows he is talking about suburbanites going into the inner cities - whites going into black areas - racism.  And he is anticipating a rigged election, undermining the foundation of a democratic (small "d") government.
Which is worse?  Racism and dissembling values go hand in hand.
And recently, Trump has added one to make a trifecta.  Now he talks about how Hillary Clinton wants to break down our national barriers because she gets funds from and colludes with "the international financial" cabal.  How close will trump get to adding that "dog whistle" oh, how I hate that term - it isn't a "dog whistle" because it is as explicit as we all know.

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