Tuesday, October 11, 2016

36 Hours Later

I wasn't surprised by The Tape.  I lived in Manhattan for almost forty years and Trump was always in the news, half the time for his playboy-style personal life.  And I work in the real world, the sexist world.  Like any woman I have experienced sexually aggressive behavior and heard rude comments  about women's body parts in vulgar terms.
That said, I wasn't surprised by The Tape.
But during the debate, Trump's words and behavior did surprise me.  The hovering and lurking over Clinton.  The comment, when I'm President you will be in jail.  His total disrespect for the political process.  Hillary Clinton's reputation has been deliberately sabotaged by the Trump campaign, himself and surrogates.
Men's sexist behavior? Pretty much routine.  Ruining the American political process?  Now that was an outrage.
His debate behavior should sink his campaign.

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