Friday, October 7, 2016

Lost in the Sex Scandal

Trump trumped himself.  This afternoon a tape was released in which Trump says, in essence, he assults women (by grabbing them in their private parts).  Outrageous and scndal worthy in the media.
But this morning, Trump declared that he still believes that the Central Park 5 were guilty.  The 5 were accused of a rape in Central Park and Trump took out a full page ad declaring that they should be given the death penalty.  They spent 5 to 13  years in prison before being exonerated by dna evidence.  And today, years, even decades later, Trump doubled down and declared that he still believes them guilty.
This is racism, of course, but goes so far beyond your basic racism that I can't find a word to describe it.
This is how Trump presents his "law and order" program.  But what about the Constitution of the United States of America?  He doesn't accept justice based upon the Constitution.  How could he ever take the oath of office for the presidency?  He doesn't know what the Constitution means.

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