Thursday, October 20, 2016

Here's the Thing

Here's the difference.  Trump has been saying that the entire election is rigged.  He has said this in a very universal manner, ie., inner cities need to be watched, the media coverage has been biased.  Repeatedly at his rallies.
Then, during the debate, he said he would wait and see if he would accept the election results.
His surrogates, Guiliani and Conway, tried to make that answer sound reasonable by recalling Al Gore's challenge to the 2000 Florida close race of 500-some votes.  This was a very specific circumstance that Gore challenged when it happened - that is entirely different than Trump's declaring in advance that there are vast problems across the country with the electoral process. 
AND Gore finally accepted the result even though he won the popular vote.  Al Gore, in that moment, became a hero to the democratic (small "d") process.  Entirely different than what Trump said in the debate.
While Trump not only vacillates about whether he will accept the results, he has also said he wants his opponent jailed and that he admires Vladimir Putin.  His basic message has attempted to separate basically white people from African Americans, Latinos, Moslems.  Altogether, that's facism.
This is not the package that belongs in the Presidency.

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