Tuesday, October 18, 2016


I had a great reminder this morning.  Morning Joe talked about what it will be like over the Thanksgiving dinner this year.  We are so polarized and passionate.  How do we put "us" - families and country - back together?  We need to understand how tough it's been for the core Trump supporter  - the white man, factory worker, if I might stereotype - whose candidate has lost, whose candidate has ginned them and then left them as the candidate goes back to his gilded penthouse on fifth avenue.
Joe Scarborough said it - if, after that horrible war, Lincoln could say, "with malice toward none," surely we can work toward that same sentiment.  I add this:  It is up to us to understand where they are coming from - as their economic lives have been hurt for the past thirty years - and support the things that we believe will actually really help the situation of those supporters.
At the same time, Clinton needs to win in a blow out - that is the only thing that will counter Trump's ever more insistent and vitriolic accusations of a rigged election and will allow her to actually govern effectively.

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