Friday, October 28, 2016

James B Comey

What a revelation: In a brief letter to congressional leaders, Comey said that the FBI, in connection with an “unrelated case,” had recently “learned of the existence of emails that appear to be pertinent to the Clinton investigation.”
So, a computer shared by Huma Abedin and Anthony Weiner and seized by the FBI in the Weiner sexual scandal is where the emails were alledgedly discovered.
There is a consensus that any review will not be completed before the election.
From my knowledge of criminal investigations, the normal practice is that the investigation takes place privately. But not in this instance.  Comey has said everything and absolutely nothing.  These emails could be evidence of criminality or evidence of personal communication between Clinton and Abedin, who have had a close working relationship - or something in between.  We don't even know if these emails are new or copies of something already reviewed.
Donald Trump is ready to jail Clinton on this announcement and we can be sure to her him repeat what he ahs already declared, ie, that she shouldn't "be allowed" to run for President.
Now Comey broke all precedent in July when he described the outcome of his investigation into Clinton's server and emails by giving a pubic accounting of an investigation that did not result in any charges or indictments.  But that accounting including his judgment about Clinton's behavior.  Now he, again, presents damning but inconclusive facts.  Comey's July actions set him up to decide whether to reveal this new situation.  Granted, he was in a precarious position.  even if he didn't reveal these emails, any FBI staffer could easily leak them between now and election day.   So, in my view, Comey took the chicken way out.  he did the easy thing for himself.  No one can criticize him - eh withheld nothing! 
But he crucified Hilary Clinton.  She doesn't even know what the charge is, so how can she possibly defend herself?  While Trump has a field day.  And the Republican Party goes off the deep end.
Even Donald trump just declared that maybe the election isn't rigged.  No, the election isn't rigged, but James B Comey knows how to attack one candidate who has no chance to defend herself.
Neither the public, nor, presumably Hillary Clinton, know what is involved, so she will not be able to defend herself - if a defense is even warranted.
Eleven days before the election.
Remember Ken Starr, the Special Prosecutor? That led to Bill Clinton's impeachment over a lie totally unrelated to the initial reason he was appointed?  Then you wonder why the Clintons feel persecuted?  Is James B Comey related to Ken Starr? 
No responsible person wants Donald Trmp to become President.  If he does, we can thank James B Comey, head of the FBI.

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