Sunday, October 30, 2016


I heard a reliable reporter with good sources say that it is possible that the FBI doesn't even have these alleged emails in their possession (because they haven't gotten the search warrant yet).  EEEGAD!
Meanwhile, Trump declares that for Comey to having done this, it must be something really horrible and it's worse than Watergate.  (Watergate - which was the story of 49 officials criminally convicted and many of the sent to prison, an entire Presidency engaged in criminal activity and the forced resignation of a aPresident.)
The US Attorney general advised Comey against doing this.
In any case, James B Comey is going to change the course of the election with no known concrete basis at all.
This is so so so wrong.  The only thing that will resolve it as best possible is for Comey to fall on his sword and reveal what exactly the FBI knows right now.  Or he will go down in American history with the worst.  His reputation is already ruined for all time based on his choice to cower to Republican lawmakers and his total lack of judgement so he might as well tell the whole truth.

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